

Presentation Investigation Management
James Murdoch
Flashcards by James Murdoch, updated more than 1 year ago
James Murdoch
Created by James Murdoch over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Seronegative spondylarthopathies? PsA/RA/Enteropathic/AS
PMR commonly associated condition? GCA
How do you divide any treatment plan? Conservative-Physio/OT Medical-Drugs Surgical-ORIF/replacement
Presentation of RA? Symmetrical polyarthritis Small joints of the hand apart from DIPs swelling Relieved by activity and NSAIDs Worse in mornings (morning stiffness) female>males
Gene strongly associated with RA? HLA-DRB1
Hand features of RA? Z thumb/swan neck/bouchienne deformity ulnar deviation (pronounced ulnar styloid)
Investigations for RA? FBC,ESR,CRP,RF,anti-CCP DAS-28 score-measures disease severity X-rays
Medical management? NSAIDS/steroids DMARDs Biologics using DAS28 score for reference
Presentation of Crystal arthopathy? hot swollen painful joint acute onset (within hours)
Investigations Routine bloods INR/septic screen inc. cultures urine dip xray Aspirate the joint
Acute monoarthritis DDx? Septic/Crystal/Haemarthosis
Treatment for Crystal arthopathy? Rehydrate NSAIDs steroids oral/injection aspirate joint to dryness
How can u tell if CPPD vs Gout? Plane light microscopy
Management of SNA? NSAIDS/pain killers steroids/pt/ot
Investigations for reactive arthritis? Bloods/urine stool culture joint effusion urogenital exam eye exam
Urogenital trigger for arthritis treatment? Doxycycline/ofloxacin
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