
Claire Moore
Flashcards by Claire Moore, updated more than 1 year ago
Claire Moore
Created by Claire Moore almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acudir/ ir a las urnas to go to the polls
ajeno somebody else's foreign
apolítico apolitcal
apostar por un partido to back a party
la beca grant
la cidudanía citizenship/ the citizens
los comicios elections
comprometido committed
las concentraciones demonstrations
la conciencia cívica civic awareness
la conformidad approval
la convicción certainty
el defensor defender
desencantado disenchanted/ disillusioned
las desgracias ills/ misfortunes
el diputado Member of Parliament
el electorado electorate
fortalecer to strengthen
un granuja a rogue
indignado angry
involucrarse to get involved
la jornada laboral working day
manifestar to express/ state
el militante activist
militar en un partido to be a member of/ to be active in a party
movilizarse to demonstrate/ protest
la ola wave
el partidario supporter
la pasividad apathy/ indifference
pasota apathetic
permitirse to afford
la postura stance
reclamar to claim/ demand
reivindicar to reclaim
el sindicato trade union
solidario supportive/ caring
tachar a alguien to brand someone
el/la votante voter
apuntarse to sign up
coger to take
conseguir to get
cotizar to pay contributions
dar de alta to register
en efectivo in cash
exigir to demand
el INEM JobCentre
el ingreso income
marcharse to leave
la orientación guidance
las prácticas laborales work experience
pretender to claim
realizar to carry out
resolver to solve
el subsidio del paro unemployment benefits
suponer to represent/ to make up
adquirir to acquire
el brote outbreak/ bud
el callejón alley
dar un vuelco to turn around
deber to owe
estar dispuesto a to be prepared to
estar esperanzado to be hopeful (someone)
el femicidio murder of a woman
la firma signature
huérfano orphan
el impuesto tax
los ingresos income
lamentable unfortunate/ terrible
la licenciatura university degree
el ocio leisure
la petición request
el placer pleasure
plantearse to consider
producirse to happen
el progenitor parent
prometedor promising
el/ la radioyente radio listener
recoger to collect/ to gather up
ser esperanzador to be hopeful (of something)
la subida rise, increase
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