

A-Levels Psychology (PSYB2 - Social Influence) Flashcards on Conformity, created by Adam O'Rourke on 27/05/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Flashcards by Adam O'Rourke, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam O'Rourke
Created by Adam O'Rourke over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Anderson Cross Cultural study of ideal body size for women. Areas with reliable food supply, the ideal size is slender, in areas with unreliable food supply, ideal size heavy Cultural norms are influenced by important factors
Asch Looked at peoples tendency to conform in a non-ambiguous situation. Carried out a pilot study on his task of comparing lines, 717 out of 720 guesses were correct so the task is not ambiguous 78% conformed at least once with 5% conforming every time
Asch Variations 1.Size of group, with 1 confederate, conformity dropped to 3% with 2 it was 13% and with 3 it was 32%. It then leveled of at 4-5. 2.Lack of group unity, Giving the participant an ally that also answered with correct answers, also an extreme dissenter who chose the 3rd wrong answer also reduced conformity 3.Conformity rose when he made the task more difficult by making the lines more similar 4.Answering in private, having the participant write down their answers reduced conformity
Evaluation of Asch Perrin and Spencer - Replicated the study with British Maths, Engineering and Chemistry students and only 1 of the nearly 400 conformed to the majority. Could be due to culture / intelligence / done 30 years after Asch Ethical issues, deception and harm (self esteem)
Informational Social Influence More likely to occur in an ambiguous situation Perceived facts and figures sway the persons beliefs
Internalisation The person believes the majority to be correct, called private acceptance. Sherif
Baron People shown pictures for either 5 or half a second and asked to match it to another picture. Heard 2 wrong answers before giving theirs. Concluded that people are much more likely to be influenced by informational social influence when they are more unsure of their judgement
Crutchfield Similar to Aschs experiment in that it is not ambiguous except they are in different cubicles and answers are given by a switch Conformity levels were low, shows physical presence of group
Other factors affecting conformity Authoritarian Personalities Culture (Smith and Harris Bond) Made a distinction between collectivist and individualistic cultures, conformity is higher in collectivist cultures Levels of self esteem and self efficacy
Compliance Go along with the social norms even though you do not believe them to be right, Public Acceptance Eg, Aschs study
Normative Social Influence People are influenced by what others do, not what they believe People could follow the norms of a group to either maintain the harmony of the group, gain acceptance or avoid rejection from the group
Sherif Looked at conformity in an ambiguous situation. People guessed how much a light moved due to the autokinetic effect Participants were put in groups of 3, 2 with similar estimates and 1 with a very different guess. Over a number of trials eventually the answers converged, shows that people conform. Normative influence is also greater when the person doesn't have much experience of the situation
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