Verbal - CR


Flashcards on Verbal - CR, created by Nishant Jain on 03/11/2017.
Nishant Jain
Flashcards by Nishant Jain, updated more than 1 year ago
Nishant Jain
Created by Nishant Jain almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
WEAKEN If the argument presupposes something is necessary for success, then? To weaken an argument that presupposes that something is necessary for success, look for an answer that shows why it's not needed.
WEAKEN If an author thinks a particular plan will lead to success, then? If an author thinks a particular plan will lead to success, weaken it by showing that the terms of the plans might not lead to the expected result.
INFERENCE For this question type, find the choice that MUST follow from the stimulus For this question type, find the choice that MUST follow from the stimulus, not one that MIGHT or COULD follow.
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