Advanced Game Mechanics - Lexicon


Some flashcards going over game document lexicon
Halie Towns
Flashcards by Halie Towns, updated more than 1 year ago
Halie Towns
Created by Halie Towns over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a Game Mechanic? Game Mechanics are pieces of a whole. There can be one or many.
What is Gameplay? Gameplay is a broader term that results from a player interacting with one or more game mechanic.
What is UX? UX is user experience (managing player options)
What is UI? A user interface is how the player interacts with the game or application
What is a Design Pillar? the core features, systems, and mechanics that make it special
What is a Game Loop? A game loop is the completion of a goal.
What is Friction? Friction is anything that gets in the player’s way, slows them down, or impedes their progress.
What is Gameification? The act of applying game mechanics and/or ideas of fun and challenge to things are aren’t traditionally games.
What is a Razor? All the basic mechanics of a game, put into one neat sentence. Used for communicating an idea to teammates.
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