Growth in Animals and Plants


GCSE Biology (SB2 Cells and Control) Flashcards on Growth in Animals and Plants, created by Noah Cliff on 04/02/2018.
Noah Cliff
Flashcards by Noah Cliff, updated more than 1 year ago
Noah Cliff
Created by Noah Cliff about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define Growth How do you measure it? Growth is the increase of cells in number and in size. Growth can be measured using length r mass
Name a few specialised animal cells. How does their structure relate to their function? 1. Red blood cell ( High surface area for extra haemoglobin) 2. Fat Cells (Stores large fat droplets until the body need energy) 3. Neurons (Has long fibres that carry electrical impulses) 4.Muscle cells (Contain contractile proteins that can shorten)
Why is differentiation important in the development of specialised cells? Without differentiation there wouldn't be any specialised cells as they are different in structure (which benefits them) to other cells.
Know how to read and interpret percentile graphs. k
What are the stages of plant growth? 1. Cell division (mitosis) 2. Elongation 3. Differentiation
Describe Cell division At the end of the shoot, a group of cells called meristems rapidly reproduce through mitosis.
Describe Elongation This is when the newly formed cells from the meristem increase in length.
Describe Differentiation This is when the Elongated cells specialise into more complex cells to assist the plant another way. (E.g. Xylem cells or Root hair cells )
Name specialised plant cells and link their structure to their function. 1. Xylem cells- They have thick walls, pores, loss of wall to create a tube and no cytoplasm - This results in a tube resistant to high pressure that allows minerals and water to flow out through pores. 2.Palisade cells They are found at the top of the tree and have a high surface area - This leads to high photosynthesis levels. 3.Root hair cells They are long and have a high surface area - This results in high intake of the necessary water and mineral intake.
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