Curious Incident Characters


Year 11 English Flashcards on Curious Incident Characters, created by Michael Parker on 25/02/2018.
Michael Parker
Flashcards by Michael Parker, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Parker
Created by Michael Parker about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Christopher Boone -Finds people confusing (doesn't understand facial expressions or metaphors/abstract ideas -Talented (vast knowledge about maths/astrology for his age) -Determined (Goes to London by himself and passes maths A level) Stephens uses Christopher to make the audience question their ideas about 'normal behaviour'
Ed Boone -Determined to get the best for his son (demands his son do his A levels) -Caring and patient (open to Christopher) -Fiery tempered (hits Christopher) Stephens shows that living with people is difficult regardless of Christopher's autism
Judy Boone -Honest (admits her failures in letters) -Romantic (shows she is not satisfied with her life as she imagines being elsewhere) -Can't cope with Christopher (felt Ed and Christopher were better without her) Stephens shows Judy to be unable to help Christopher, however she still loves him (not portrayed as the villain)
Siobhan -Encouraging (encourages Christopher to make the play) -Calming (helps Christopher get to London) -Dramatic device (voice in Christopher's head or Christopher's voice when he is unable to narrate)
Roger Shears -Lacks understanding (sarcastic with Christopher) -Short tempered (grabs Christopher)
Mrs. Alexander -Kind (welcomes Christopher) -Gossips (discusses his mother's affair directly with Christopher)
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