Accommodation/Differentiation Ch. 3 | Midterm Study Flash Cards


Education Flashcards on Accommodation/Differentiation Ch. 3 | Midterm Study Flash Cards, created by Hannah Erickson on 05/03/2018.
Hannah Erickson
Flashcards by Hannah Erickson, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Erickson
Created by Hannah Erickson over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Differentiation is not new -Relates back to Jewish and Muslim scriptures: "people differ in their abilities and strengths" -One-room school house
Our current understanding of learning provides strong support for classrooms that... recognize, honor, and cultivate individuality
New knowledge of the brain and education are gained by 1. Psychology 2. Changing understanding of the science of the brain 3. Continued observations
Intelligence is variable -We think, learn, & create in different ways -Development of our potential is affected by the match between what we are asked to learn & how we are able to apply our abilities to the process of learning -Learners need opportunities to discover/develop their abilities in a range of intelligence areas
The brain is malleable -Intelligence is not a characteristic fixed at birth or solidified in the early years of life -Providing children with rich learning experiences can amplify their ability, and denying them such richness of experience can diminish their intelligence
The brain hungers for meaning -The brain seeks to connect parts to a whole; we learn by connecting something new to something we already understand -The brain responds more effectively and efficiently to something that carries deep personal meaning
Brain research tells us that each brain is unique. Therefore, educators... must provide diverse opportunities to stimulate each brain
Humans learn best with _______ challenge moderate
A task is appropriately challenging when... it asks learners to risk a leap into the unknown but they know enough to get started and have support for reaching a new level of understanding
There is a _____ gap between children who have had an enriching childhood and those who have not large
Schools must be ready to provide _____ in the education of all students equity
equity the quality of being fair or impartial
Howard Gardner's 8 Intelligences 1. Verbal-linguistic 2. Logical-mathematical 3. Visual-spatial 4. Bodily-kinesthetic 5. Musical-rhythmic 6. Interpersonal 7. Intrapersonal 8. Naturalistic
Potential 9th Intelligence of Howard Gardner's intelligences Existential
Robert Sternberg's 3 Intelligences 1. Analytical 2. Practical 3. Creative
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