Chapter 1 Flashcards


Human Diversity Flashcards on Chapter 1 Flashcards, created by Nathan Lapin on 08/06/2013.
Nathan Lapin
Flashcards by Nathan Lapin, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Lapin
Created by Nathan Lapin over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a process of educational reform that assures that students from all groups (racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, ability, gender, etc) experience educational equality , success, and social mobility. MultiCultural Education
The Educator's Role To Recognize Social and Cultural Change, To Understand Culture, Learning, and the Culture-Learning Process, To Improve Intergroup and Intragroup Interactions, To Transmit Intercultural Understanding and skills to Students
Change occurring in social institutions Social Change
A formal, recognized establishment with rules or norms- the rules and norms are changing in social institutions. Social Institution
A term that describes the unwritten social cues of society that is considered normal Norm
The breakdown of nuclear families, influence of cable TV, loss of manufacturing jobs What are rules or norms that have changed in our social institution?
4 Changes that seem to reshape our social institutions Globalization, Demographics, Technology, and a Change in attitudes and values among generations
5 institutions Economics, Politics, Education, Family, Religion
Change in the Institution of Economics 1. From National to Global. 2. From Manufacturing Jobs to Service and Technology (change in work) 3. Change in Attitudes 4. Discrepancy between rich and poor
Change in the Institution of Politics 1. Contrast between conservative and liberal voters. 2. International Agreements. 3. Political Participation (<50% Americans vote) 4. Voting Technology (hand to machine)
Change of the Institution of Religion 1. Recognition of Multiple Religious Faiths (Increasing Diversity and Ideas) 2. Rise of Fundamentalism (social change too rapid) 3. Marriage of Religion and Politics 4. Generational difference in the role of electronic culture (many windows)
Change in the Institution of Family 1. Increase in Age in Marriage and Child Birth 2. Increase in Diversity in Family Forms 3. Increasing Intermarriage Across Racial and Religious Boundaries. 4. Increasing Effects of Poverty in a Globalized America
Change in the Institution of Education 1. Change in demographics of school age population and population as a whole. 2. Increasing Language Diversity Among Schoolchildren. 3. Increasing Concern About Gender Difference in School Outcomes. 4. Increasing Clash of Cultures between teachers and students
What is important to know about all of these institutions All the institutions are connected
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