1.8: Electronic Structure


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on 1.8: Electronic Structure, created by Deleted user on 12/03/2018.
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Flashcards by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Farha Idrees
Created by Farha Idrees over 8 years ago
Farha Idrees
Copied by Farha Idrees about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How are electrons arranged in an element? in energy levels or shells: 1st shell → 2 2nd shell → 8 3rd shell → 8
Where is the lowest energy level? The shell that is nearest to the nucleus.
What does the number of electrons on the outer shell tell you? • which group number they belong to on the Periodic Table • how the atom will react
What is the electronic structure for sodium, which has 14 electrons? 2,8,4
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