The consolidation of Bolshevik authority, Oct 1917 - March 1918


The consolidation of Bolshevik authority, Oct 1917 - March 1918 facts/timeline
Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was the storming of the Winter Palace? 25 October
What did the storming of the Winter Palace coincide with? The opening session of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
What was Lenin's first decree? Decree on Peace, to end the war
When was the first decree issued? 26 October
What did the Decree on Land do? Acknowledged the transfer of land to the peasants
When was the Sovnarkom created? 27 October
What was the purpose of the Sovnarkom? Created to run the new government.
Which party got the majority of the seats? The Bolsheviks
What was the response of the Mensheviks and moderate SRs? Walked out of the Congress in protest
What did Trotsky say to the protesting Mensheviks and SRs? "You're finished, you pitiful bunch of bankrupts. Get out to where you belong- in the dustbin of history"
What happened to civil servants who were striking? They were arrested and the Civil Service was purged.
Who was promoted at this time? Officials willing to support the Bolsheviks
What obstacle did the Bolsheviks face when gathering funds? The state bank refused to open its vaults.
When was armed force used to open the vaults of the State bank? Late October/ early November
When were forces loyal to Kerensky defeated? 2 November
When was the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia issued? 2 November
When did Bolsheviks take control of the Kremlin in Moscow? 3 November
How long did it take for the Bolsheviks to take control of the Kremlin in Moscow? It took a ten day battle.
What happened in the Sovnarkom in the second half of November? Lenin reluctantly allowed 7 left SRs to join the Sovnarkom
When did elections to the Constituent Assembly take place? 25 November
What was the outcome of the election? 53% of the votes went to the SRs. The Bolsheviks only managed 24%
What was Lenin's response to the election? "We must not be deceived by the election figures. Elections prove nothing."
How did Lenin try to appeal to key groups? Established 8 hour day, granted rights to women, self-determination was granted to national minorities, abolition of ranks and titles, management supervision rights to workers.
When was the Veshenka established? December 1917
What was the role of the Veshenka? It was the Council of the National Economy. It was established to supervise and control economic development.
What happened to anti-Bolshevik newspapers? They were closed down.
What happened to leading Kadets, right SRs, and Mensheviks? Rounded up and imprisoned.
When was the Cheka set up? December 1917.
When did peace talks with Germany open? December 1917
How did the Bolsheviks differ in their attitudes to peace? Lenin: peace at any price Trotsky: drag out the talks until communist revolution engulfs Germany Bukharin: fight on to defend socialist Russia against imperialist Germany
What had been achieved by the end of 1917? Bolsheviks controlled most of the major towns and cities in Russia.
When was the Constituent Assembly closed? January 1918
What happened to demonstrating civilians? They were fired upon and 12 were killed.
How did Lenin justify the closure of the CA? It was a bourgeois institution that did not truly represent the proletariat
What replaced the Red Guard in January 1918? The Red Army
Who was made head of the Red Army in March? Trotsky
When was the Gregorian calendar adopted? February 1918
When was the Treaty of Brest Litovsk signed? 3 March 1918
Give some terms of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk Russia lost: -62 million people -26% of railway lines -74% of iron ore and coal - 3 billion roubles in reparations
What happened in the Sovnarkom as a result? The left SRs walked out, leaving Russia to be a one party state
What new title did the Bolsheviks decide on? Communists
Where was the capital transferred to? Moscow
What did the Decrees on the Church do? Turned Russia into a secular state. Church lands were nationalised and marriage & divorce were removed from Church control.
What happened to the clergy? They became disenfranchised and some were drafted into the Red Army. Some bishops were imprisoned.
Who was the vote reserved for? The toiling masses. Exploiting classes were excluded from the vote and from holding public office.
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