English - Storm on the Island


Storm on the Island
Ella Grosse
Flashcards by Ella Grosse, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Grosse
Created by Ella Grosse over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Theme Power of Nature vs Power of Man & Effects of the weather
What type of Meter is it? 10 Syllables per line - iambic pentemeter
Language Similie: 'Like a tame cat | Turned savage' compares the sea to a cat, zoomorphism enacts the shock of the sudden chage of temperment
Structure Enjambment: 'like a tamed cat | Turned savage' reflects on going chaotic nature of the surroundings - huge difference in attitude, storm turned it violent
Structure Caesura: 'we are prepared; we build our houses squat' momentarily slows down the pace shows the prolonged, everlasting suffering of the islanders.
Language/Title Description 'Storm on the Island' lack of an article demonstrates how there are multiple storms and that they aren't uncommon. Speaker is accustomed to the violence of nature.
Form Blank Verse: 'Blank' demonstrates irregularity of the storm and how unpredictable it is
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