

Animal Management Flashcards on Integuments, created by Theo Yip on 08/05/2018.
Theo Yip
Flashcards by Theo Yip, updated more than 1 year ago
Theo Yip
Created by Theo Yip over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 11 major organ systems? integumentary, nervous, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, endocrine, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive
What are the functions of the integument system? Protection from microorganisms Flexibility +motion Moisture sealing Body temp. regulation Vit. D synthesis
What are some differentiated structures? Feathers, hair, horns, claws, nails, glands
What do keratinised structures do? Prevent water escape + against friction / direct mechanical stimulation (calluses)
All true vertebrates have a multilayered epithelium, what do fish / amphibians have? Mucus later for bacterial / mechanical protection preventing drying on land
What is the structure of mammal integument? - Mammal skin generally thicker than other vertebrates, composed of epidermis + dermis - Dermis thicker than epidermis - Regions subject to abrasion, outer layers of epidermis thicker and cornified with keratin
What is the structure of scales? - Continuous layer of epidermis, cannot dissect out of sin and shed ebutreky or in small flakes - E.g. Snakes, bird legs and feet
What is the structure of beaks? Epidermal structures, jaws covered by keratinised sheaths
What is the structure of beaks / claws? Curved + laterally compressed keratinised projections from tips of digits
What is the structure of feathers? Epithelial cells project into skin creating feather follicle, growing to project out into feather shaft separating and developing barbs
What is the structure of hair? - Characteristic of mammals, similar to feathers (but hair follicle instead of feather) - Hair follicle = epidermal structure (but lies in dermis of skin), hair continuously grows via cells in follicle - Cells in hair shaft are shifted upwards away from source of nourishment, accumulate keratin and die
What is the structure of glands? - Sweat: tubular, highly coiled glands - Scent: allow communication (territory, warning, defence, mating) - Sebaceous: produce oily secretion (sebum) lubricating + protecting skin and hair - Mammary: rudimentary in males, present in all female mammals
What is the structure of nails? - Keratinised epithelial cells produced at base by pushing existing nail forward - Protect from mechanical injury + stabilise skin for better grasping
What is the structure of hooves? Enlarged keratinised plates found on end of ungulate digits
What is the structure of horns? Tough cornified layer of the integument covers horns, retained year round and grow throughout lifetime
What is the structure of baleen? Found in some whales, series of keratin plates arising from oral epithelium, sheets hang from palate
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