Created by Callum Ellwood
almost 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
ACC Authorial Message: Through promoting Christian benevolence for all mankind, poverty and injustice can be eradicated. | Macbeth Authroial Message: All men are ssusceptible to the corruptive power of ambition. |
ACC Key Context Buzz Words: - Victorian Christian Society - Social Injustice - 1843 Poor Law - Victims of the industrial revolution - Family values, Benevolence, Generosity | Macbeth Key Context Buzz Words: - Supernatural - Corruptive power of ambition - Divine right of Kings - Great Chain of Being - Treason/Regicide |
ACC Scrooge Beginning 'As solitary as an oyster' 'tightfisted' 'As hard and sharp as flint' | Macbeth Macbeth Beginning 'Brave Macbeth' 'Black and deep desires' |
ACC Scrooge Middle 'Scrooge wept to see his former self,' 'Another idol has displaced you.' | Macbeth Macbeth Middle 'He's here in double trust' 'Sleep no more! Macbeth hath murdered sleep' |
ACC Scrooge End (of Stave 3) 'Will he live?' | Macbeth Macbeth End 'By the pricking of my thumbs' 'For I have cowed my better part of man' |
ACC Poverty/Social Injustice 'if they should die, then they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population' 'A golden one' 'Will he live?' | Macbeth Lady Macbeth 'Unsex me here' 'Art thou a man? 'Out damn spot!' |
ACC Redemption 'I think I'd rather not' 'I wish' 'Spirit conduct me where you will' | Macbeth Heroism/Good vs Evil/Kingship 'Brave Macbeth' 'Black and deep desires' 'Black Macbeth' 'For I hath cowed my better part of man' |
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