

Gr 3 extension lesson
Marietjie Louw
Flashcards by Marietjie Louw, updated more than 1 year ago
Marietjie Louw
Created by Marietjie Louw over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is light? the connection between us and the universe the smallest quantity of energy that can be transported a photon
what can we do through light? we can experience distant stars look back at the beginning of existence itself
what is a photon? an elementary particle
what can you do with a photon? you can't split it you can destroy it you can create it
what does light have? photons wave-particle duality
electromagnetic spectrum energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation
the electromagnetic spectrum consists out of a range of wavelengths and frequencies waves and radiation that are harmful visible colours that look amazing gamma rays that have highest energy
the wavelength of gamma rays ten picometers
a hydrogen atom is compared to a 1c as big as... a ten cent compared to the Moon
visible light is found at... about 400 nanometers 700 nanometers
what living organism is about the size of the frequency of visible light bacteria
radio waves can be about the same size as the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
the biggest wavelengths we know can span from... 10 000 km to 100 000 km
all waves... are the same, like patterns
waves have this quality that differs from one wave to another frequency (amount of waves per period in time)
visible light is the only set of electromagnetic radiation that propagates when in... water (H2O)
a few qualities of light are... interacts with matter is altered by matter used to gather information about the world around us
how is light created? a vast range of electromatic waves are created whan atoms or molecules move from one energy level to a higher energy level
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