Skills Check #2 Goniometry


Stationary Arm- Placed on proximal segment (the arm with a circle). Moving Arm- Placed on distal segment. Axis- Placed in the middle of a joint (pin connecting stationary/movement arms). Use PROM with over pressure Use good mechanics Always look at goniometer straight on Watch patient's face for signs of pain Use consistent approach Use the correct sized goniometer Always use the same tester Avoid parallax ***Repeat measurements
Jordan Waugh
Flashcards by Jordan Waugh, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordan Waugh
Created by Jordan Waugh over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Knee Flexion AAOS Value: 135 Position: Supine Axis: Lateral Femoral Condyle S Arm: Greater Trochanter M Arm: Lateral Malleolus Geometry: Concave Tibia on Convex Femur Limiting: Soft Tissue
Knee Extension AAOS Value: 10 Position: Supine with roll under heel Axis: Lateral Femoral Condyle S Arm: Greater Trochanter M Arm: Lateral Malleolus Geometry: Concave Tibia on Convex Femur Limiting: Posterior Capsule/Muscular
Elbow Flexion AAOS Value: 150 Position: Supine Axis: Lateral Humeral Epicondyle S Arm: Mid-line Humerus M Arm: Radial Styloid Geometry: Concave Ulna on Convex Humerus Limiting: Soft tissue
Elbow Extension AAOS Value: 0 Position: Supine with towel under elbow Axis: Lateral Humeral Epicondyle S Arm: Mid-line Humerus M Arm: Radial Styloid Geometry: Concave Ulna on Convex Humerus Limiting: Olecranon Process/Fossa
Glenohumeral Flexion AAOS Value: 180 (120 from GH/60 from scapularthoracic) Position: Supine Hookline Axis: Acromion S Arm: Mid-axillary line M Arm: Mid-line of Humerus Geometry: Convex Humeral Head on Concave Glenoid Fossa Limiting: Posterior/inferior capsule
Glenohumeral Extension AAOS Value: 60 Position: Prone Axis: Acromion S Arm: Mid-axillary line M Arm: Mid-line Humerus Geometry: Convex Humeral Head on Concave Glenoid Fossa Limiting: Anterior Capsule/GH ligament
Glenohumeral Abduction AAOS Value: 180 (120 from GH/60 from scapularthoracic) Position: Supine Hookline Axis: Acromion S Arm: Parallel to Sternum M Arm: Lateral Epicondyle Geometry: Convex Humeral Head on Concave Glenoid Fossa. Limiting: Inferior Capsule/Acromion
Glenohumeral Internal Rotation AAOS Value: 70 Position: Supine hookline with towel under distal Humerus Axis: Olecranon Process S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Ulnar Syloid Geometry: Convex Humeral Head on Concave Glenoid Fossa Limiting: Posterior Capsule
Glenohumeral External Rotation AAOS Value: 90 Position: Supine hookline with towel under distal Humerus Axis: Olecranon Process S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Ulnar Styloid Geometry: Convex Humerus on concave Glenoid Fossa Limiting: Anterior capsule/superior GH Ligament
Forearm Pronation AAOS Value: 80 Position: Seated with elbow bent and thumb pointed upward Axis: Outside of wrist S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Ulnar Styloid Geometry: Proximally- Convex Radial Head on concave Radial Notch Distally- Concave Radius on convex Ulna Limiting: Radius on Ulna
Forearm Supination AAOS Value: 80 Position: Seated with elbow bent and thumb pointed up Axis: Inside of wrist S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Radial Styloid Geometry: Proximally- Convex Radial Head on concave Radial Notch Distally- Concave Radius on convex Ulna Limiting: Pronator Teres/Quadratis
Wrist Extension AAOS Value: 70 Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm on table, fingers relaxed Axis: Proximal Triquetrum S Arm: Mid-line Ulna M Arm: Mid-line 5th Metacarpal Geometry: Convex Lunate on concave Radius Limiting: Palmar Joint Capsule Note: May also place goniometer on ventral or dorsal side of hand Note: May also use M arm on mid-line of 2nd Metacarpal to avoid movement at the 5th Metacarpal.
Wrist Flexion AAOS Value: 80 Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm on table, fingers relaxed Axis: Proximal Triquetrum S Arm: Mid-line Ulna M Arm: Mid-line 5th Metacarpal Geometry: Convex Lunate on concave Radius Limiting: Dorsal Capsule
Wrist Ulnar Deviation AAOS Value: 30 Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm and hand on table Axis: Proximal Lunate S Arm: Lateral Epicondyle M Arm: 3rd metacarpal Geometry: Convex Lunate on concave Radius Limiting: Radial joint capsule
Wrist Radial Deviation AAOS Value: 20 Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm and hand on table Axis: Proximal Lunate S Arm: Lateral Epicondyle M Arm: 3rd Metacarpal Geometry: Convex Lunate on Concave Radius Limiting: Radial Styloid and Scaphoid
MCP Flexion AAOS Value: 90 (50 for thumb) Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm on table Axis: Middle of dorsal MCP Joint S Arm: Dorsal side of Metacarpal M Arm: Mid-line of proximal phalanx Geometry: Concave Proximal Phalanx on Convex Metacarpal Limiting: Dorsal Capsule
MCP Extension AAOS Value: 45 Position: Seated with arm bent and forearm on table Axis: Middle of dorsal MCP Joint S Arm: Dorsal side of Metacarpal M Arm: Mid-line of Proximal Phalanx Geometry: Concave Proximal Phalanx on convex Metacarpal Limiting: Palmar Capsule
PIP Flexion AAOS Value: 100 Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm on table Axis: Dorsal side of PIP joint S Arm: Mid-line Proximal Phalanx M Arm: Mid-line Middle Phalanx Geometry: Convex Proximal Phalanx on concave Middle Phalanx Limiting: Dorsal Capsule
DIP Flexion AAOS Value: 90 (80 for thumb) Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm on table Axis: Dorsal side of DIP Joint S Arm: Mid-line Middle Phalanx M Arm: Mid-line Distal Phalanx Geometry: Convex Distal Phalanx on concave Middle Phalanx Limiting: Dorsal Capsule
Thumb Palmar Abduction AAOS Value: 70 Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm and hand on table, thumb pointing up Axis: Radial Styloid S Arm: Mid-line Radius M Arm: Mid-line 1st Metacarpal Geometry: Concave 1st Metacarpal on convex Trapezium Limiting: Anterior Capsule
Thumb Radial Abduction AAOS Value: 20 (measured from neutral, will need to subtract final from neutral position) Position: Seated with arm bent, forearm and hand supinated on table Axis: Scaphoid S Arm: Mid-line 2nd Metacarpal M Arm: Mid-line 1st Metacarpal Geometry: Concave 1st Metacarpal on convex Trapezium Limiting: Radial Capsule
Hip Flexion AAOS Value: 120 Position: Supine Axis: Greater Trochanter S Arm: Mid-line of Flank M Arm: Lateral Femoral Epicondyle Geometry: Convex Femoral Head on concave Acetabulum Limiting: Soft Tissue Note: Palpate ASIS, Flexion stops when Pelvis falls into posterior tilt.
Hip Extension AAOS Value: 20 Position: Prone Axis: Greater Trochanter S Arm: Mid-axillary line M Arm: Lateral Femoral Epicondyle Geometry: Convex Femoral Head on Concave Acetabulum Limiting: Anterior Capsule Note: Palpate PSIS, Extension stops when Pelvis falls into anterior tilt.
Hip External Rotation AAOS Value: 45 Position: Prone with knee bent 90 degrees Axis: Inferior Patella S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Mid-line of Anterior Tibia Geometry: Convex Humeral Head on concave Acetabulum Limiting: Anterior Capsule Note: When prone, the foot moves medially during external rotation
Hip Internal Rotation AAOS Value: 45 Position: Prone with knee bent 90 degrees Axis: Inferior Patella S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Mid-line Anterior Tibia Geometry: Convex Femoral Head on concave Acetabulum Limiting: Posterior Capsule
Hip Abduction AAOS Value: 40 Position: Supine Axis: Same side ASIS S Arm: Opposite side ASIS M Arm: Mid-line Femur Geometry: Convex Femoral Head on concave Acetabulum Limiting: Medial Capsule/Adductor muscles
Hip Adduction AAOS Value: 30 Position: Supine with opposite leg abducted Axis: Same side ASIS S Arm: Opposite side ASIS M Arm: Mid-line Femur Geometry: Convex Femoral Head on Concave Acetabulum Limiting: Lateral Capsule/Abductor muscles
Talocrural Dorsiflexion AAOS Value: 20 Position: Prone with knee bent 90 degrees, foot in subtalar neutral Axis: Lateral Malleolus S Arm: Fibular Head M Arm: Parallel to 5th Metatarsal Geometry: Convex Talus on concave Mortise Limiting: Posterior Capsule
Talocrural Plantarflexion AAOS Value: 50 Position: Prone with knee bent 90 degrees, foot in subtalar neutral Axis: Lateral Malleolus S Arm: Fibular Head M Arm: Parallel to 5th Metatarsal Geometry: Convex Talus on concave Mortise Limiting: Anterior Capsule
Subtalar Inversion AAOS Value: 2/3 inversion 1/3 eversion Position: Prone figure 4, foot in subtalar neutral Axis: Break of Achilles Tendon S Arm: Mid-line of leg M Arm: Mid-line of Calcaneous Geometry: Concave Calcaneous on convex Talus Limiting: Lateral Capsule Note: Bisect Calcaneous and lower 1/3 of leg with a pen
Subtalar Eversion AAOS Value: 2/3 inversion 1/3 eversion Position: Prone figure 4, foot in subtalar neutral Axis: Break of Achilles Tendon S Arm: Mid-line of leg M Arm: Mid-line of Calcaneous Geometry: Concave Calcaneous on convex Talus Limiting: Medial Capsule Note: Bisect Calcaneous and lower 1/3 of leg with a pen
Midtarsal Inversion AAOS Value: 5 to 1 in favor of inversion Position: prone figure 4, foot in subtalar neutral Axis: Outside of foot S Arm: Perpendicular to Calcaneous M Arm: Plantar side of foot Geometry: Concave Metatarsal base on convex Cuboid and Cuneiforms Limiting: Lateral Capsule
Midtarsal Eversion AAOS Value: 5 to 1 in favor of inversion Position: Prone figure 4, foot in subtalar neutral Axis: Inside of foot S Arm: Perpendicular to Calcaneous M Arm: Plantar side of foot Geometry: Concave Metatarsal base on convex Cuboid and Cuneiforms Limiting: Medial Capsule
MTP Extension AAOS Value: 70 Position: Supine with towel under ankle and 1st ray dropped Axis: Medial foot at middle of MTP Joint S Arm: Mid-line of 1st Metatarsal M Arm: Mid-line of 1st proximal phalanx Geometry: Concave Proximal Phalanx on convex 1st Metatarsal Limiting: Plantar Capsule
MTP Flexion AAOS Value:45 Position: Supine with towel under the ankle and 1st ray dropped Axis: Medial foot at middle of MTP Joint S Arm: Mid-line of 1st Metatarsal M Arm: Mid-line of 1st Proximal Phalanx Geometry: Concave Proximal Phalanx on convex 1st Metatarsal Limiting: Dorsal Capsule
Cervical Rotation - Goniometer AAOS Value: 60 Position: Seated with neutral spine Axis: Crown of Head S Arm: Forward in sagittal plane M Arm: Over top of nose Geometry: Concave Atlas on convex Axis Limiting: Opposite side rotation - SCM Same side rotation - Facet Joints
Cervical Rotation - Inclinometer Norm: 60 Inclinometer Position: Middle of forehead Patient Position: Supine
Cervical Side Bending - Goniometer AAOS Value: 45 Position: Seated; neutral spine Axis: C7 Spinous Process S Arm: Line of gravity upward M Arm: Inion Limiting: Scalenes
Cervical Side Bending - Inclinometer AAOS Value: 45 Inclinometer Position: Crown of Head in Frontal Plane Patient Position: Seated; neutral spine
Cervical Flexion - Goniometer AAOS Value: 45 Position: Seated; neutral spine Axis: External Auditory Meatus S Arm: Line of Gravity Upward M Arm: Base of Nares Limiting: Splenius/Supraspinous Ligaments Note: "zero" is at 90, so subtract measurement from 90
Cervical Flexion - Inclinometer Norm: 45 Inclinometer Position: Crown of Head in Sagittal Plane Patient Position: Seated; neutral spine
Cervical Extension - Goniometer AAOS Value: 45 Position: Seated; neutral spine Axis: External Auditory Meatus S Arm: Line of Gravity Upward M Arm: Base of Nares Limiting: Strap Muscles if the patient can continue when mouth is open Note: "zero" is at 90 so subtract measurement from 90
Cervical Extension - Inclinometer Norm: 45 Inclinometer Position: Crown of Head in the Sagittal Plane Patient Position: Seated; neutral spine
Thoracolumbar Side Bending - Goniometer AAOS Value: 35 Position: Standing Axis: S1 Spinous Process S Arm: Line of Gravity Upward M Arm: T1 Spinous Process Limiting: Quadratus Lumborum/Lats/External Oblique
Thoracolumbar Side Bending - Inclinometer Norm: 35 Inclinometer Position: S1 and T1 Spinous Process in the Frontal Plane (find the difference) Patient Position: Standing
Thoracic Side Bending - Goniometer AAOS Value: None Position: Standing Axis: L1 Spinous Process S Arm: Line of Gravity Upward M Arm: T1 Spinous Process Limiting: Quadratus Lumborum/Lats/External Oblique
Thoracic Side Bending - Inclinometer Norm: None Inclinometer Position: L1 and T1 Spinous Process in Frontal Plane (find the difference) Patient Position: Standing
Lumbar Side Bending - Goniometer AAOS Value: None Position: Standing Axis: S1 Spinous Process S Arm: Line of Gravity Upward M Arm: L1 Spinous Process Limiting: Quadratis Lumborum/Lats/External Oblique
Lumbar Side Bending - Inclinometer Norm: None Inclinometer Position: S1 and L1 Spinous Process in the Frontal Plane (find the difference) Patient Position: Standing
Thoracolumbar Rotation AAOS Value: 45 Position: Seated; feet on floor; arms folded across body; head on elbows Axis: Crown of Head S Arm: Straight Forward M Arm: Directly above Sternum Limiting: Facet Joints
Thoracolumbar Flexion - Modified Schober Norm: 7 cm Position: Standing Tape Measure Position: S1 to T1 Spinous Process
Thoracolumbar Flexion - Inclinometer AAOS Value: 80 Inclinometer Position: S1 and T1 Spinous Process in Sagittal Plane (find the difference) Patient Position: Standing
Lumbar Flexion - Modified Schober Norm: None Position: Standing Tape Measure Position: S1 to L1 Spinous Process
Lumbar Flexion - Inclinometer AAOS Value: 30 Inclinometer Position: S1 and L1 Spinous Process in Sagittal Plane (find the difference) Patient Position: Standing
Thoracic Flexion - Modified Schober Norm: None Position: Standing Tape Measure Position: L1 to T1 Spinous Process
Thoracic Flexion - Inclinometer AAOS: 50 Inclinometer Position: L1 and T1 Spinous Process in the Sagittal Plane (find the difference) Patient Position: Standing
TMJ Protraction Norm: 5-7 mm Position: Seated
TMJ Lateral Deviation Position: Seated Norm: 9mm
TMJ Opening Norm: 40-50 mm Position: Seated
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