SD - How to Use the Tools


Home Depot Smart Home Wiki Flashcards on SD - How to Use the Tools, created by AdminSupport OneSource on 12/09/2018.
AdminSupport OneSource
Flashcards by AdminSupport OneSource, updated more than 1 year ago
AdminSupport OneSource
Created by AdminSupport OneSource over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pick a product from the Protect table and find it in the Smart Home Selling Tool. What platforms is it compatible with? Discovering what platforms products are compatible with is essential to selling Smart Home solutions. What other items could work with the same platform? Is there a connection between certain products that might make them great to buy together?
Using the Smart Home Selling Tool, pick a product on the Enjoy table. Can you find the "unboxed" image? What comes in the box? Should you suggest that the customer buy something additional to make the product work better?
Using the Smart Home Selling Tool, pick a product on the Connect table and find the install/product video. Watch the video and pick out highlights. Is there anything in the video that the customer should absolutely know before they leave the store with the product? Do they need any tools to install the product?
Using the Smart Home Selling Tool, pick a product on the Conserve table. Find the manufacturer's website. When would you use that website? Remember, if a customer asks for install advice or troubleshooting, direct them to the manufacturer's website and support number. DO NOT offer to troubleshoot. The manufacturer's support line is the very best resource for this.
Using the Smart Home Selling Tool, tap the Video Doorbells & Accessories category. Tap the grid icon on the top right corner of the page. This is a comparison sheet. Explore and find three differences between your two favorite products in this category. Tap the Home icon to take you back to the main page of the Smart Home Selling Tool. What are the main differences between the two products? Do they work on the same platform? What other products could you suggest to purchase with them?
The Table Tablet serves these four purposes: Ice breaker, Selling Tool, Product Expert, Crowd Control. Practice using the Table Tablet in all four scenarios with your trainer. Can you use the tablet as an Ice Breaker? Can you use the tablet to help demo a product? Practice using the tablet when you don't know details about a product. Practice instructing someone on how to use the Table Tablet while you are busy with another customer.
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