Mabo Quotes


Flashcards on Mabo Quotes, created by 0serenityrose0 on 27/10/2014.
Flashcards by 0serenityrose0, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 0serenityrose0 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
"__________ here is yours. This is ___ you ___." (Benny Mabo) "Everything here is yours. This is who you are." (Benny Mabo)
"I'm ___ working as a _____." (Eddie Mabo) "I'm not working as a slave." (Eddie Mabo)
"___________ name Eddie, but it's Koiki for ____." (Eddie Mabo) "Whitefella's name Eddie, but it's Koiki for real." (Eddie Mabo)
"You ____ the drill, _____ your pockets." (police officer) "You know the drill, empty your pockets." (police officer)
"I'm _______ you this ______ and ________ as a reminder of home." (Benny Mabo) "I'm sending you this letter and coconut as a reminder of home." (Benny Mabo)
"They think we're going to _____ our black ____ on their bloody ______." (Eddie) "They think we're going to leave our black skin on their bloody sheets." (Eddie)
"You've got a _____, don't you?" (Union Organiser) "You've got a voice, don't you?" (Union Organiser)
"People like __ have no ______ but to be _____________ - because if we don't, we have no _____ left!" (Eddie) "People like us have no choice but to be troublemakers - because if we don't, we have no pride left!" (Eddie)
"What ____ can they do to me that ______ already been ____?" (Eddie) "What more can they do to me that hasn't already been done?" (Eddie)
"You know the ____, technically isn't _____." (Henry Reynolds - Aus Historian) "You know the land, technically isn't yours." (Henry Reynolds - Aus Historian)
"We ____ it down from ______ to ___. How can we not ___ it?" (Eddie) "We hand it down from father to son. How can we not own it?" (Eddie)
"What about ______ law? i ___ that land." (Eddie) "What about Merian law? i own that land." (Eddie)
"It's not about your ____ or my's about the _______." (Eddie) "It's not about your land or my's about the people." (Eddie)
"I've been _________ to you for nine years...That's ___ i've been _____." (Bonita) "I've been listening to you for nine years...That's all i've been doing." (Bonita)
"If i _____ it's about Eddie Mabo's ____...if i don't and you take it to the ____ _____, it's about ____ the blackfella's, ins't it?" (Eddie) "If i appeal it's about Eddie Mabo's land...if i don't and you take it to the High Court, it's about all the blackfella's, ins't it?" (Eddie)
"I ____ i spent more time at ____ with the _____ when they were growing up...I'm _____ i didn't help you ____." (Eddie) "I wish i spent more time at home with the kids when they were growing up...I'm sorry i didn't help you more." (Eddie)
"My ____ has stuck to me. Somehow __ made it." (Mabo) "My wife has stuck to me. Somehow we made it." (Mabo)
"You think some _________ sticking a _____ jack in the sand _____ out 16 generations?" (Eddie) "You think some whitefella sticking a union jack in the sand wipes out 16 generations?" (Eddie)
"We've [the Indigenous Australians] got a ______ of land _________ and ___________." (Eddie) "We've [the Indigenous Australians] got a system of land ownership and inheritance." (Eddie)
Their links with the land are '______ and ________." (Eddie) Their links with the land are 'active and unbroken." (Eddie)
High Court rules in favor of the Native Title case due to 'past __________.' High Court rules in favor of the Native Title case due to 'past injustices.'
"I also thought about how my ____ - the most _________ person in my life - has _____ to me over many _________ and _______." (Eddie) "I also thought about how my wife - the most important person in my life - has stuck to me over many hardships and hurdles." (Eddie)
The success of the Mabo Case is a '_____ victory.' (archival footage ABC reporter) The success of the Mabo Case is a 'moral victory.' (archival footage ABC reporter)
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