Unit 1 - Mapping and Geotechnologies - Key Terms


Key Terms for our First Unit.
Flashcards by gstoneman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gstoneman about 10 years ago

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Map A representation of Earth’s features on a flat surface.
General Purpose Map Map that contains many types of information on one map
Thematic Map A map containing information on only one topic or theme.
Topographic Map Large-scale map showing both natural and human-made features.
Geotechnologies New geographic technologies, such as remote sensing, GPS and GIS that have revolutionized the field of geography.
Digital Mapping The location of geographic data is digitized, placed in databases, and used in various combinations to create maps.
Compass Rose: Diagram in the shape of a flower showing directions and bearings and used to indicate direction on a map.
Compass Point Point on a compass, such as north and south.
Compass Bearing Degrees on a compass measured in clockwise direction from 0˚ (North) to 360 ̊.
Alphanumeric Grid Grid that uses letters and numerals to identify squares of a grid pattern on a map.
Map Grid (Military Grid) Series of lines on a map that can be used to locate any place on the map.
Easting First three figures in a map reference giving the east-west location
Northing Last three figures in a map reference, giving the north-south location
Prime Meridian Line of longitude that runs through Greenwich, England.
Longitude Distance east and west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees.
Latitude Distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees.
Global Positioning System (GPS) Satellite navigation system that is used to compute the exact latitude and longitude position of any place on Earth.
Scale Shows the relationship between the size on an object in real life and its size drawn on the map.
Large Scale Map that shows a large amount of detail of a small area.
Small Scale:\ Map that shows a small amount of detail of a large area.
Direct Statement Scale Words are used to describe the relationship between a distance on a map and a specific distance on Earth’s surface.
Line Scale Line divided into units of distance that represent the actual units on the ground.
Representative Fraction Scale Scale on a map given as a ration of distance on the map to distance on the ground.
Standard Time Every place within a time zone has the same time.
Geographic Information System Integrated software package for the input, management, analysis and display of spatial information.
Base Map Map providing only an outline of the most basic features of the mapped area.
Data Base Table of information in a computer program that can be searched for particular values or rearranged in a variety of ways.
Aerial Photograph Photograph taken from the sky instead of the ground.
Stereo Pair A pair of aerial photographs that, when looked at through a stereoscope, shows a 3-dimensional image.
Satellites Manufactured object that is launched by a rocket and circles Earth. Satellites are used to communicate, to study Earth’s resources, and to aid the military.
Geostationary Orbit Satellite orbiting about 36,000 km above Earth at a speed that keeps it exactly above the same place on Earth.
Near Polar Orbit Fixed north-south orbit followed by satellites as Earth rotates below them.
False Colours Colours artificially added to satellite images of Earth, to make patterns more obvious. These colours would not actually be seen from space.
Remote Sensing Study of characteristics of Earth using photographs and electronic images taken from aircraft and satellites.
Radar In remote sensing, radar sensors send out microwaves to Earth’s surface and use the microwaves reflected back to create an image of human objects and natural features on Earth’s surface.
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