4 Languages


Learn Korean, English, Russian and Spanish at the same time!
HyunJi S
Flashcards by HyunJi S, updated more than 1 year ago
HyunJi S
Created by HyunJi S almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
새 bird птица pájaro
자전거 bicycle велосипед bicicleta
침대 bed кровать cama
도끼 ax топор hacha
배 boat лодка bote
날다 fly летать volar
자다 sleep спать dormir
배를 젓다 row a boat грести на лодке remar en un bote
자전거를 타다 ride a bicycle кататься на велосипеде montar en bicicleta
나무를 도끼로 찍다 chop wood with an ax рубить дрова топором cortar madera con un hacha
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