The Budget


Flashcards on The Budget , created by Tania Tait on 22/04/2019.
Tania Tait
Flashcards by Tania Tait, updated more than 1 year ago
Tania Tait
Created by Tania Tait almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Uncontrollable An expenditure required by law or resulting from a previous budgetary commitment
The Budget Process -Every agency puts in a bond request -A new budget is not made each year -Goes up in the department then to the president and OMB -OMB sends to Congress and it's broken down through appropriations committees
Earmarks Funds that an appropriations bill designates for specific projects with a state or congressional district
Entitlements Government program guaranteeing access to some benefit by members of a specific group Based on established rights or by legislation
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