Herbal Medicines


Flashcards on Herbal Medicines, created by Michelle Zanette on 02/05/2019.
Michelle Zanette
Flashcards by Michelle Zanette, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle Zanette
Created by Michelle Zanette over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Samuel Hahneman - diseases viewed as an invader fought with whatever method in favour at the time - tx Cinchoria on his body & "drug picture" mirrored symptoms of Malaria - "proving"
Cinchoria Peruvian bark with anti-malaria properties - gives the drug: Quinidine
Materia Medica written by Dr. Cullen - all drug pictures - homeopathy
homeopathy substance that causes symptoms of disease in healthy ppl would cure similar symptoms in sick people
main principles of homeopathy like cures like minimal dose single remedy
SARCODES microbial culture (homeopathy)
NOSODES bodily samples (homeopathy)
extraction (homeostasis) mother tincture = 1:3, material:alcohol/water solids: titration w lactose - titivate given or powder, or a MT
Chagra beside the maloca, a garden where food and medical plants are cultivated - surrounded by primary jungle
Paiki fam Rubiaceae - solidarity tree - carnivorous ants mutualism "the pharmacy"
Catarijano basket
Yew taxus bachata - planted on holy sites - tree of eternal youth
Coca aka Mambe - toast + pulverise - combine w Yarumo - makes it a "free base" - fat soluble due to the alkali
Yarumo - burned to dry - added to Coca to make Mambe
Tabacco - add veg salt (fruit of Palma real turned to ash and boiled) - to make Ambil (black syrup) - protect against negative energies
Ambil defense gifts "pay" balance energy invite to dance test for elders powers, or an energy
Yaje hallucinogenic communicate with gods + for rituals "journey" to look for cure alkaloids attack neurotransmitters (DMT, serotonin) illegal in UK
Brugmansia sp hallucinogen from solanaceae sacred, magical, healing powers journeys + initiate shaman "Flor Del Inca" "Trumpet of Angels" template for useful medicines
Plant Solanaceae atropine (racemic, (-)-hycoscamine) scopolamine ((-)-hycosine) "truth drug"
Belladonna Atropine Hycosine
Achiote (seed) body paint + insect repellant (fruit) tx skin infection + protect annatto food colourant Bixa sp. dyes related to carotenoids + vit A
Paullinia Yoco Fungi caffeine + theobromine similar to tryptamine Gurana drink - prepared from the fruit
Plant Sap hallucinogenic properties tx infections, cancer compare to large acid - cytotoxic - aromatic - taspine
Bejucos de agua water vines anti-microbial tx diarrhea quercetin aromatic compounds
fungi tx mouth infections, antibiotic effects cinnabarin alkaloid responsible for activity use: red, young dont use: black (toxic)
Pymoporus sangurieus fungi act on HIV
chuchuguasa indigenous tx arthritis west tx cancer east side of tree @ 5 am Maytasine = cytotoxic compound disrupts cell division
Sacho Ajo vine keep (-) energy away + witch craft saebedor use tobacco for protection during collection - garlic smell lapachone type compounds allicin: anti-bacterial/viral
garlic (allium satvium) amazon: (-) energies allicin: anti-bacterial/viral ajoene: anti-thrombic/fungal cis(7)ajoene: anti-tumor
Pilocarpus Jaborandi eye drops mimic Ach, parasymmp tx: glaucoma traditionally: tx power salvation + sweating activity
Amazon Healing Process Diagnosis Location Collection Preparation Conjuration
Conjuration Labiatae: cleanse + remove "bad air" Sentilla: bathe pt bring pt back to balance with community w a dance
Kodurio tree bark, liquid tx: skin + ear infection + sunburn ellagic acid derivative like taspine
Rubicaceace fam common wound healing indoid glucosides (sugar units) root bark used more
Labiatae remove negative energies during conjuration cleanse + remove "bad air"
Sentilla attract positive energies in conjuration used to bathe pt
Bathysa cuspidata Rubicaecae fam paeonol: active constituent for womb healing (phenolic compound)
Nettle Urera sp aka Ortiga use for hair + pain tx: bruises + diuretic active constituent: histamine
Barbasco poisonous chemical compound roots used for fishing as insecticide constituent: rotenone
Incense saebador in mambeadero - purify maloca collected from tree bark - resin
frankincense boswella acid anti-microbial
Renin Injury creates resin seals and hardens - prevent tree infection (defence) lipid soluble anti-fungal activity - iguana triterpene (similar to fusidic acid) freeze, open, collet larvae b4 transport
Flower Remedies spring water + sunlight = make fluids tx: emotional stress Bach Rescue Remedy
Aromatherapy topical: dilute w veg oil internal: medical supervision externally: hot water + towel, or on pillow citrus als: increase sensitivity to sunlight seizures in epileptics (sage, rosemary, fennel, hyssop)
Gattefossé aromatherapy tx: burns + infected wounds
Traditional Chinese Medicine - practices CHM acupuncture acupressure meditation Tai Chi
Yin cold, dark
Yang heat, light
Yinyang balence
Qi Energy
Indian Ayuvedic Medicine nutrition yoga mediation oil massage herbal teas for physical/emotional harmony
vata/pitta/kapha lean/muscular/stocky
Ayuvedic veda: self-knowledge Ayu: of life
Traditional Herbal Regulatory Scheme HM accessed info ab safe use efficacy based on traditional use evidence of efficacy? = full product lisence
MHRA Regulatory Agency for Herbal Medicines
maceration soften using fluid
infusion pour hot water on top
decoction boil herbal material
percolation filtering
Aristolochia prohibited HM! kidney failure + cancer
Kava Kava restricted HM! external use only
Senecio Prohibited HM!
Ginseng Prohibited HM! Foetal skeletal malformation
Anecdotal evidence not scientific
preliminary too little research for definite conclusion
inconclusive inconsistent/contraindicative
conclusive consistant in large group meta analysis (only a few HPs)
Ginkgo biloba claim: increase cerebral + peripheral blood PRELIM: prevent/reduce memory deterioration GI problems, allergic skin rxn w aspirin = risk of excessive bleeding
Echinacea Purpurea SCI EVI: IS, anti-viral/inflam/microbial, wound healing PRELIM: improve symptoms shorten duration INCONC: reduce frequency of other infections
Hypericum Perforatium (St. Johns Wort) dried flowering plants - "natural Prozac" SCI: anti-dep/viral/bacterial PRELIM: reduce SE, increase efficacy mod/mild depression compared to Prozac induce metabolic enzymes = reduce therapeutic effect reinforce Prozac (lethargy, anxiety, nausea)
Hit identification NP screened for activity against selective target "Hits" = bioactive compounds
High throughput screening (HTS_ assays automated robotics biochem target - screen - identify hits - inspiration for leads
semi-synthesis extract intermediate precursor, convert to final product bc isolating NPs can be costly, sustainable and ecological challenge intermediate could be easier to extract
total synthesis synthesize given NP
"Hit-to-Lead" optimization hits with desired effect are modified to optimize potency + reduce toxicity
pharmodynamics drug does to body
pharmokinetics body does to drug
Natural Product Discovery extraction - organic solvents exploit solubilities in NPs complex matrices, TLC Separation - automated, precipitation, crystallization, chromatography Structure ID - optimization - production
Taxanes anti-cancer yew, ex. paclitaxel, pocetaxel bind + inhibit tululin = microtubule network stops moving inhibit cell division @ disassembly
Vinca Alkaloids anti-cancer anti-diabetic ex. periwinkle tubular, inhibit polermisation and ASSEMBLY
Etoposide May apple plant purgative to burn off skin tumors
Irenotecan, Topotecan anti-cancer TCM ling + colon
analgesics/anti-tussive morphine oppium poppy
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