La Television


Television vocabulary for AS Spanish
Flashcards by caitlindavies8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by caitlindavies8 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
(poco) apto/apropiado/adecuado (un)suitable
actual current/present-day/modern
adictivo addictive
ameno/divertido enjoyable
basura trashy
diario daily
educativo educational
indeseable undesirable
insoportable unbearable
maleducado rude
mensual monthly
puesto/a switched on
quincenal fortnightly
semanal weekly
sobrado/exagerado over the top
frente a in front of
la caja tonta 'the box' (television)
una gama de programas a range of programmes
una herramienta tool
una niñera electronica an electronic babysitter
la pantalla screen
la programación programme times/range
la telebasura trashy TV
la televisión por cable cable TV
una tertulia chat show
la violencia televisiva violence on TV
los contenidos de corazón celebrity gossip
los programas (reality) reality programmes
los programas de cotilleo TV chat/gossip shows
un arquetipo achetype (certain type of character)
un canal de television TV channel
un capítulo episode
el comportamiento behaviour
un concurso contest
un culebrón soap opera
un documental documentary
un espacio publicitario commercial break
el horario de máxima audiencia prime time
un informative TV news programme
un jurado jury
un perdedor loser
un premio a prize
el público objetivo target audience
un telediario television news bulletin
un telespectador TV viewer
un televisor TV set
un trailer trailer
un vencedor winner
alargar to extend, spin out, prolong
ambientar to set (context of a story)
apagar to turn off
atontar to make stupid
difundir to spread, transmit
distraer to amuse, distract, entertain
encender/poner (la tele) to put on (the TV)
engancharse a to get hooked on
enredarse en to get involved in
fomentar to promote, stir up, encourage
impeder to impede
narrar to tell, recount
poner/encender to switch on
realizar to attain, achieve. fulfil
soler to be in the habit of
soñar (con) to dream (of)
subvencionar to subsidize
sumar to add up, total, summarize
aplancarse delante de la tele to plonk yourself in front of the TV
dosificar el tiempo ante el televisor to limit the amount of time spent watching TV
hacer de canguro to baby-sit
hacer zapping to channel hop
invadir la intimidad to invade someone's privacy
producir un efecto hipnótico produce a hypnotic effect
quedarte con los ojos cuadrados to get square eyes
volver loco a alguien to drive someone mad
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