National 5 Music Concepts


Flashcards on National 5 Music Concepts, created by poshbex1992 on 21/01/2015.
Flashcards by poshbex1992, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by poshbex1992 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hello Goodbye
A cappella Unaccompanied choral singing
Binary Form Two-part form - music in two sections: A then B. These sections may be repeated.
Accidental A sign added to a note to change the pitch.
Alberti bass Broken chords played by the left hand outlining harmonies whilst the right hand plays the melody.
Arco Italiam term given to string players to use a bow.
Aria A solo song sung in an operatic style, in an opera, oratorio or cantata, with orchestral accompaniment.
Atonal Atonal music has no feeling of key, major or minor. It is very dissonant and lacks a 'nice' melody and accompaniment.
Baritone A male voice whose range lies between that of bass and tenor.
Bassoon This instrument belongs to the woodwind family.
Bodhran An Irish wooden drum, held in one hand and played with a wooden beater.
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