Spanish term 1


Spanish Flashcards on Spanish term 1, created by Sam Telford on 21/10/2019.
Sam Telford
Flashcards by Sam Telford, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Telford
Created by Sam Telford over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hello Hola
Goodbye Adios
Como te llamas? What is your name
Donde vives Where do you live
I am called... Me llamo...
I live in... Vivo en
Que tal How are you
Uno one
Two Dos
Tres Three
Four Cuatro
Cinco Five
Six Seis
Siete Seven
Eight Ocho
Nueve Nine
Ten Diez
Once Eleven
Twelve Doce
Trece Thirteen
Fourteen Catorce
Quince Fifteen
Sixteen Dieciseis
Diecisiete Seventeen
Eighteen Dieciocho
Diecinueve Nineteen
Twenty Veinte
Soy list...(Masculine, finish the sentence) Soy Listo
Soy List... (Feminine, Finish the sentence) Soy Lista
Mi cumpleanos es My birthday is the...of...
Hermanos Brothers
Sisters Hermanas
Soy hijo unico I am an only child
Como se escribe... how do you spell...
Tienes Mascotas Do you have any pets
Tengo I have
Dog Un Perro
Un gato Cat
Snake Una serpiente
Un raton Mouse
Rabbit Un conejo
Un pez Fish
Guinea pig Una cobaya
No tengo mascotas I have no pets
White blanco
Negro Black
Green Verde
Marron Brown
Pink Rosa
Amarillo Yellow
Red Rojo
Gris Grey
Blue Azul
Naranja Orange
Creo que... I think...
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