Eileen Agar


Surrealism Flashcards on Eileen Agar, created by Ashley Saville on 28/12/2019.
Ashley Saville
Flashcards by Ashley Saville, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashley Saville
Created by Ashley Saville about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Eileen Agar, Quadriga, 1935
Cecil Beaton, Portrait of Eileen Agar, 1927
Eileen Agar, self portrait, 1927
Eileen Agar, Eileen Agar and Joseph Bard standing in an alcove, c.1937
Eileen Agar, movement in space, 1931
Eileen Agar, Three Symbols or the Flying Pillar, 1930
Eileen Agar, Untitled Box, 1935
Paul Nash, Swannage, 1936
Nadja, Melusine, 1938
Lee Miller, Aileen Agar (pregnant with Camera, 1937)
Eileen Agar, ceremonial hat for eating bouillabaisse, 1936
Man Ray, Schiaparelli hats, illustrating Tristan Tzara’s essay, ‘Concerning a Certain Automatism of Taste,’ published in Minotaure, 1933
Oppenheim, Cannibal Feast, 1959
Eileen Agar, Glove Hat 1936
Eileen Agar, Angel of Anarchy (first version), 1936
Eileen Agar, Angel of anarchy (second version), 1940
Eileen Agar, War 1940
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