Study Set 32


Study Set 32 Flashcards on Study Set 32, created by David Tooley on 16/01/2020.
David Tooley
Flashcards by David Tooley, updated more than 1 year ago
David Tooley
Created by David Tooley about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Super Bakery Super Bakery - cupcakes, mini donuts, danishes, sliders, cinnamon buns
Commodity Raisins No Brand - raisins
Lawrence Foods, Inc. Lawrence Foods - pie filling, icing, cream filling
Upper Crust - Fiera Upper Crust - fruit bites, mini strudels, bagels, pretzel buns
Amercare Royal Royal - baking supplies, disposable bags, cutlery, disposable cups & lids, gloves, towels, wipes, food containers Amercare - same as above
Cuisine Solutions Cuisine Solutions - soups, sauces, chicken breast, beans, lamb shanks, pastas, seafood
Sambazon Frozen Sambazon - acai berry based food and beverages
Supherb Farms Supherb Farms - herbs, vegetables, purees, pastes, blends
Reily Foods Luzianne - tea, coffee, coffee filters Blue Plate - mayonnaise, BBQ sauce
Asian Food Solutions Green Dragon - beef & chicken shreds, tofu, vegetable fried rice, wontons, Asian entrees
Commodity Peanut Butter No brand - peanut butter
D Daiya - plant-based cheese and dairy
John Soules Foods John Soules - beef fajitas, chicken breast, beef steak, chicken patties, chicken strips, rotisserie chicken
Denali Denali - baked inclusions, flavors, bases, purees, flakes & barks, stabilizers & texture systems, variegates
Warren Distribution MAG 1 - hydraulic oil, synthetic oil, transmission fluid, automotive fluids Polar - antifreeze Warren - air freshener, tire foam, cleaning wipes, engine degreaser, fuel stabilizer, antifreeze, ice scrapers
Amy's Kitchen Frozen Amy's - prepared entrees
Amy's Kitchen Dry Amy's - soups, bisque, candy bars, pasta sauce, crackers
Athens Foods Athens - phyllo doughs and shells, kataifi, spanakopita
Boulart Boulart - buns, focaccia, baguettes, artisan breads
Arthur Schuman Refrigerated Arthur Schuman - various cheeses Maggiore - various cheeses
Arthur Schuman, Inc. (Imperia Foods) Emperia - bread crumbs
Wynn's Grain & Spice Wynn's Grain & Spice - salt, pepper, spice blends, breadings
Wynn's Grain & Spice Frozen Wynn's Grain & Spice - biscuits, potato wedges
Mizkan Ragu - pizza and spaghetti sauce
Commodity Oats No Brand - various oats
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