World Caecilian Diversity


Herpetology Spring 2020 Flashcards on World Caecilian Diversity, created by Emilie Broussard on 01/02/2020.
Emilie Broussard
Flashcards by Emilie Broussard, updated more than 1 year ago
Emilie Broussard
Created by Emilie Broussard over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Family: N SA, E of Andes Fossorial, some terrestrial True short tails Secondary and tertiary annuli Dermal scales present Mouth at tip of snout Not hight specialized for burrowing Jaw adducting muscle made of one bundle Biphasic repro cycle (larvae hatch from eggs) Rhinatrematidae Tailed Caecilians
Family: Have true tails Secondary and tertiary annuli Dermal scales Stegokrotaphic skulls Oviparious Gilled larvae Ichthyophiidae Asian Caecilians
Family: Zygokrotaphic, but lacks several bony elements Counter-sunk lower jaws Eyes connected to tentacle and protruded Lack secondary and tertiary annuli & lack dermal scales Viviparous No true tail Scolecomorphidae Buried-eyed Caecilians
Family: Disjunct Africa Young have unique teeth with hook-like processes to peel mothers skin Eyes concealed under bone Herpelidae African Caecilians
Family: S Asia Fossorial, evergreen tropical forests Oviparous, direct development Secondary annuli Chikilidae Northeast Indian Caecilians
Family: C/S America Direct development Viviparous Few to no secondary annuli Lack dermal scales Lack true tail Prob paraphyletic Monocusped teeth Caecilidae Common Caecilians
Family: SA, E of Andes Secondarily aquatic (some semi aquatic Viviparous, juveniles shed gills Burrow Zygokrotaphic skulls Lack annular scales and secondary annuli Include the largest extant lungless tetrapod Typhlonectidae Aquatic Caecilians
Family: India, Seychelles, NE Africa (disjunct) Rainforests Fossorial Have secondary annuli Varied repro Parental care Indotyphlidae Indo-African Caecilians
Family: N/C America, tropical Africa Fossorial Viviparious Secondary annuli and annular scales Eat earthworms Dermophiiidae Tropical Caecilians
Family: SA Oviparous Imperforate stapes Lacks inner mandibular teeth Maternal dermatophagy (young eats dead skin from mother) Siphonopidae SA Caecilians
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