Flashcards: DHC-6-300 Other Limitations


Flashcards: DHC-6-300 Other Limitations
Rieul Gendron
Flashcards by Rieul Gendron, updated more than 1 year ago
Rieul Gendron
Created by Rieul Gendron over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Maximum fuel temperature and maximum ambient temperature for takeoff when using AVGAS +25 degrees Celsius
Maximum operating altitude when using AVGAS? 15,000 feet
Number of boost pump per tank that must be serviceable at all times when AVGAS is being used ALL OF THEM
Maximum operating altitude of the DHC-6-300 according to the POH? 25,000 feet
Approved flap takeoff setting(s) 10 degrees only
For normal operations, according to the POH, the approved flap landing setting(s) 20 degrees and 37.5 degrees
At a gross weight of 12,500 lbs and flaps RETRACTED, the flight load factors to which the DHC-6 airplane has been designed (normal category) +3.17g to -1.5g
At a gross weight of 12,500 lbs and flaps EXTENDED, the flight load factors to which the DHC-6 airplane has been designed (normal category +2.0g to -1.5g
The Twin Otter is certified in the Normal Category. Accordingly, which manoeuvres are NOT approved according to POH 2.12.1 - Spins - Lazy eights - Chandelles - Turns with an angle of bank exceeding 60 degrees
Maximum flap extension during or after flight in icing conditions 10 degrees
What position should the engine intake deflectors be set to during flight in icing conditions? Extended or retracted? Extended
In level flight, what is the low-level trigger point in pounds for usable fuel remaining for the FORWARD tank? 75 lbs
In level flight, what is the low-level trigger point in pounds for usable fuel remaining for the AFT tank? 110 lbs
The nose wheel is steerable over what range (in degrees) left and right of the centre position for purposes of low-speed ground manoeuvring? 60 degrees to the left and right of the centre position
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