321L, Lab Practical II, UAH


Labs 7-11, pictures only
Emma Ragan
Flashcards by Emma Ragan, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Ragan
Created by Emma Ragan almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is this test for? List media, purpose(s), indicator, molecule, as well as incubation temp & time, as well as procedure Test: H2S & motility -Positive for H2S if black precip. -Positive for motility if turbidity is seen -Media: sim agar -Molecule: sodium thiosulfate -Indicator: ferrous sulfate -Differ. betwn motile/nonmotile bact. as well as H2S & non-H2S producing bact. - 37 degrees C, 24-48 hours -Stab really straight w/ needle aseptic
What is this test for? List media, purpose(s), indicator, molecule, as well as incubation temp & time, as well as procedure -Positive for motility if turbidity is seen -Media: sim agar -Molecule: sodium thiosulfate -Indicator: ferrous sulfate -Differ. betwn motile/nonmotile bact. as well as H2S & non-H2S producing bact. - 37 degrees C, 24-48 hours -Stab really straight w/ needle aseptic
What Bacteria used for H2S & Motility? Escherichia coli Proteus vulgaris Staphylococcus aureus
What is this pathway? H2S production via pathway 1, please memorize for practical
H2S production via pathway 2, please memorize for practical
Enterobacter aerogenes, what is this also known as? Also known as Klebsiella aerogenes
Lab 9: IMViC Series: All enterics initially produce _____ from ______. produce pyruvic acid from glucose metabolism
Lab 9 IMViC series: Pyruvic acid further metabolized by which 2 pathways? 1. mixed acid pathway 2. butylene glycol pathway
final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration? O2
final electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration? inorganic molecule such as NO3- or SO 2-/4
final electron acceptor fermentation? an organic molecule that is carbon containing
what are two parts to gelatin slant? slant & butt
what bacteria used for lactose fermentation? Escherichia coli G(-) rod Micrococcus luteus G(+) cocci Staphylococcus aureus G(+) cocci
Was a durham tube used for lactose fermentation? yes
Which test had these purposes: ferment specific sugars (glu, lac, suc) produce gas (CO2) produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by reducing sulfur Triple Sugar Iron test
Which test had this purpose: to determine if microbes reduce sulfur-containing compounds to sulfides during the process of metabolism & to determine if a microbe is motile sim agar deep
Which test had this purpose: To determine if a microbe ferments the carbohydrate lactose and to determine if they produce gas as a by-product of carbohydrate fermentation Pr-lactose fermentation
Which test used these bacteria? Escherichia coli Proteus vulgaris Staphylococcus aureus H2S and Motility Test
Which test used these control org.? Escherichia coli Alcaligenes faecalis Salmonella typhimurium Staphylococcus aureus Shigella flexneri Proteus vulgaris Triple Sugar Iron Test (TSI)
What control organisms used for Lipid Hydrolysis? Staphylococcus aureus G(+) cocci Escherichia coli G(-) rod
What test purpose is this: To determine whether a microbe can hydrolyze a lipid (fat) to fatty acid and glycerol, which can be further reduced and used as a source of ATP Lipid Hydrolysis
What test used Spirit Blue Agar (SBA) media plates? Lipid Hydrolysis
What was the enzyme and indicator for Lipid Hydrolysis? Enzyme= lipase Indicator=olive oil
What was incubation for lipid hydrolysis? 37 degrees C for 24 hours
What is this and what are the results? Lipid hydrolysis on SBA plate; left shows positive (S. aur) zone of clearing for enzyme lipase production, right shows negative (E. coli) zone of clearing
What control organisms used for Gelatin Hydrolysis? Bacillus cereus G(+) rod Escherichia coli G(-) rod Micrococcus luteus G(+) cocci Staphylococcus aureus G(+) cocci
What is this result for TSI test say? yellow slant/butt = fermentation of lactose and/or sucrose
What is this result for TSI test say? red slant / red butt = no fermentation
What does this TSI result say? red slant/yellow butt= glucose fermentation
Tubes showing black precipitate in TSI tubes mean what? H2S production
Tube displaying displaced/broken agar means what? CO2 production
_________?for gas by-product = no air bubble in Durham tube (Lactose Fermentation Test) Negative
____________?for carbohydrate utilization with acidic end product = yellow color (Lactose Fermentation Test) positive
_______?for carbohydrate utilization with acidic end product = yellow color (lactose fermentation test) Positive
________? gas by-product = air bubble in Durham tube (lactose fermentation test) positive
___________?for carbohydrate utilization but growth was present as shown by peptone use to produce alkaline end product = dark pink/fuchsia color (lactose fermentation test) Negative
______________?seen by neutral end products = original orange/red color (same as negative control) (Lactose fermentation test) No growth
Is this negative or positive for lactose fermentation? Negative for carbohydrate utilization but growth was present as shown by peptone use to produce alkaline end product = dark pink/fuchsia color
Why is this no growth in lactose fermentation test? No Growth seen by neutral end products = original orange/red color (same as negative control)
what reaction pathway is this? Lipid Hydrolysis
TSI results for Alcaligenes faecalis? red slant, orange butt, no fermentation or gas production
What test is this? Gelatin Hydrolysis: 3 types of results as well: -positive for rapid liquefaction (after 2 day incubation) -positive for slow liquefaction (after 7 day incubation) -negative for liquefaction (no liquefaction in agar deeps after 7 days incub.)
What does IMViC stand for? Indole Test Methyl Red Test Voges-Proskauer test i (nothing) Citrate Test
What is IMViC tests mainly used for? Mainly used to identify bacteria found in the family, Enterobacteriaceae •Short, G(-), non-spore forming, rod-shaped bacteria that can be found in the intestinal tract
Normal intestinal flora Escherichia coli & Enterobacter aerogenes
Opportunistic pathogens such as Proteus vulgaris, & Klebsiella pneumoniae
Full names for short G (-) non-spore forming rod-shaped bact. in intestinal tract? S. typhimurium S. flexneri Salmonella typhimurium Shigella flexneri
What test purpose is this: To determine if a microbe can split indole from the amino acid tryptophan Indole test
What test is this: Media = 1% tryptone broth (Not SIM agar like your lab manual says)• Enzyme = Tryptophanase •Indicator = Kovac’s reagent Indole Test
What test is this: selects for organisms found in the family, Enterobacteriaceae, and differentiates between members of that family that can produce tryptophanase & those that cannot Indole Test
What test and what are results? Indole Test - Positive: pink top after Kovac reagent (E. coli) -Negative: yellow top after Kovac's reagent (E. aero)
What was positive result in Methyl Red test? What was negative? -positive E. coli -negative E. aero
What were the two bacterial species used in IMViC tests? Escherichia coli Enterobacter aerogenes
What did use to inoculate in indole test? loop
Which test? Is positive/negative? What bacteria? Citrate Test Positive Enterobacter aerogenes (bromothymol blue indicator)
Which test? Is positive/negative? What bacteria? Citrate Test Negative Esherichia coli (no growth/color change)
Describe Urease test purpose, media, enzyme, and indicator Purpose: To determine if a microbe can hydrolyze urea to ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) Media = Urea broth Enzyme = urease Indicator = phenol red
Organisms used in Urease Test? Control organisms: Escherichia coli Proteus mirabilis
How long to incoluate Urease? 37°C for 24-48 hours
Describe Nitrate reduction test purpose, media, enzyme, and indicator: Purpose: to determine if microbes can reduce nitrate (NO3-) to nitrite (NO2-) or even further to nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), ammonia (NH3), or nitrogen (N2) Media = Nitrate broth (Potassium nitrate: KNO3) Enzyme = nitrate reductase and/or nitrite reductase Indicator = sulfanilic acid (Solution A), α-naphthylamine (Solution B), & zinc dust
What organisms used for nitrate test? Control organisms: Alcaligenes faecalis Escherichia coli Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What test is this?: Purpose: to determine if microbes can break down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into H2O and O2 Media = Tryptic Soy Agar plates Enzyme = catalase Indicator = H2O2 Catalase Test
What organisms used in Catalase Test? Control organisms: Enterococcus faecalis Escherichia coli
What test is this?: Purpose: to determine if a microbe uses the electron transport chain as the final phase in aerobic respiration Media = Tryptic Soy Agar plates Enzyme = cytochrome oxidase Indicator = p-aminodimethylaniline oxalate (Oxidase reagent) Oxidase Test
Control Organisms for Oxidase Test? Control organisms: Klebsiella pneumoniae Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Did Urease, Nitrate, Catalase, and Oxidase test all need 37 degrees C for 24-48 hours incubation? Yes
What test? What results- which bacteria? Mannitol Salt Agar Test -Positive mannitol ferm.= yellow (S. aureus) (S. epi) -Negative mannitol ferm.= pink/red (S. sapro)
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