TOEFL Vocabulary Lessons 21-25


TOEFL Course (Vocabulary) Flashcards on TOEFL Vocabulary Lessons 21-25, created by Lewen Shen on 04/05/2020.
Lewen Shen
Flashcards by Lewen Shen, updated more than 1 year ago
Lewen Shen
Created by Lewen Shen almost 5 years ago
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TOEFL Vocabulary Lessons 21-25
affluent (adj) wealthy
decline (v) decrease
outburst (n) eruption
partisan (adj) biased
Pattern (n) habit
phenomena (syn) events
philanthropic (adj) humanitarian
placid (adj) calm
plentiful (adj) abundant
propensity (syn) tendency
reaction (n) response
rhythem (syn) pulse
run into (ph. v.) encounter
scenic (adj) picturesque
shallow (adj) superficial
sheltered (adj) protected
vanishing (adj) disapearing
account (n) story
alleviate (v) lessen
archaic (adj) ancient
bring about (ph.v.) generate
enlighten (v) instruct
hasten (v) accelerate
hue (n) color
influx (n) inflow
intricate (adj) complex
magnitude (n) dimension
oblige (v) require
overlook (v) disregard
practical (adj) functional
predominant (adj) principal
prompt (v) induce
provoke (v) trigger
allusion (n) reference
analogous (adj) similar to
compel (v) obliged
compile (v) assemble
formidable (adj) overwhelming
intrusive (adj) annoying
periodic (adj) regularly
prone (adj) inclined
prophetic (adj) predictive
proportions (n) dimension
readily (adv) freely
reliably (adv) depedably
reluctantly (syn) hesitatingly
renown (n) fame
revive (v) renew
teeming (adj) overflowing
affordable (adj) economical
contaminated (adj) pollute
discernible (adj) detectable
flourishing (adj) thriving
insufficient (adj) inadequate, not enough
maintain (v) preserve
medicore (adj) average
negligible (adj) insignificant
parallel (adj) similar
potent (adj) powerful
reciprocate (v) response
remarkable (adj) exceptional
scattered (adj) dispersed, spread out
somewhat (adv) slight
stem from (ph.v.) originate
tedious (adj) monotonous, long and tiring
briefly (adv) concisely
circulate (v) distribute
briefly (adv) concisely
circulate (v) distribute
consistently (adv) dependably
exhibit (v) display
found (v) establish
improperly (adv) inappropriately
impulsively (adv) capriciously, acting without thinking
infrequently (adv) rarely
isolate (adj) secluded
overtly (adv) openly
profoundly (adv) significantly
sharply (adv) quickly
situated (adj) located
subsequently (adv) afterward
unmistakable (adj) indisputable
upstanding (adj) moral
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