

Geograph AS-Level Flashcards on Untitled, created by dreamin1430 on 25/09/2013.
Flashcards by dreamin1430, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dreamin1430 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define: Freezethaw Fracturing of rocks by the expansionary pressure associated with the freezing of water in bedding planes or pore spaces.
Define: (Salt)Crystal Growth Salt crystals form in surface rock pores which may weaken and eventually shatter the rock.
Define: Insolation Stresses are set-up when a rock is alternately heated and cooled.
Define: Hydration Chemical reaction of water with another substance in the rock, leading to changes in its structure.
Define: Pressure Release Overlying minerals are removed and cracks appear in the rock.
Define: Exfoliation Weakening and separation of the surface layers of rock as a result of chemical and physical weathering.
Define: Hydrolysis Chemical combination of water with another substance in the rock, and involving expansion.
Define: Oxidation Reaction of minerals in the rock with oxygen.
Define: Carbonation Reaction of calcium carbonate in the rock with rainwater. (Weak carbonic acid.)
Define: Hydraulic Radius The cross sectional area of a river divided by the wetted perimeter.
Define: Wetted Perimeter The total length of the bed and base of a river channel in contact with the water in the river.
Define: Pools The deep parts of a river located in the outer bend of a river.
Define: Riffles The ridges - often formed of gravel - found in the straight part of a river between two meanders.
Define: Cavitation The explosion of air ion the joints and cracks as a result of air at a very high pressure
Define: Thalweg The line of maximum velocity in a river.
Define: Helicoidal Flow The corkscrew-like motion that occurs in a meander
Define: River Cliffs The steep-sided slopes on the outer bend of the meander
Define: Slip-of-Slope The gentle slope deposited on the inner bend of a meander.
Define: Bankfull Stage Where the channel variables (Depth, width and velocity) of a river are unable to cope with additional water.
Define: Centrifugal Outward - moving force.
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