Microbiology and Biotechnology


By may
Suchanya Promsen
Flashcards by Suchanya Promsen, updated more than 1 year ago
Suchanya Promsen
Created by Suchanya Promsen almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Microbiology and Biotechnology Microbiology Viruses and Bacteria Fungi Biotechnology
Microbiology Is the study of small living things
Micro-organisms (Microbes) Are the small living things
3 Types of micro-organisms Viruses Bacteria Fungi
Viruses Smallest Unable to reproduce themselves Parasites (live on another living thing) Not killed by antibiotics Controlled by antibodies
Viruse diseases Measles Mumps Chicken pox Polio AIDS (HIV)
Antibodies Produced by white blood cells - treat infections
Bacteria Larger than viruses Require food, water and suitable temperature and pH in order to grow Reproduce asexually(double every 20mins) May feed (live) on live or dead things Controlled by using antibiotics
Useful Decay (dead plants + animals) Produce food (cheese, butter, yoghurt) Used in Biotechnology
Harmful Cause diseases Destroy foods (milk turn sour) Destroy crops in the fields
Bacterial diseases Tetanus (lockjaw) Tuberculosis (TB) Pneumonia Cholera Anthrax
Antibiotics Chemicals made by bacteria and fungi which kill or prevent the growth of bacteria
Penicillin Is an example of antibiotic Invented by Alexander Fleming
Fungi Do not contain chlorophyll (green) Grow as single cells (yeast) or thread (mushroom)
Useful Cause decay (plants + animals) May be eaten e.g. mushroom Use to make alcohol + bread making
Harmful Cause diseases e.g. athlete's foot + ringworm Some are poisonous Cause food to rot e.g. bread mould
Biotechnology Is the use of living things or their parts to produce useful products
Example Use plants, animals, micro-organisms and enzymes to manufacture many different products
Industrial uses Using yeast to produce alcohol Using bacteria to produce enzymes for cleaning clothes
Medical uses Using bacteria and fungi to produce antibiotics Using micro-organism to produce hormones (Insulin for treating diabetes) Antibodies (treat infection) Chemicals needed to clot blood
Biotechnology Allow these products to be produced Cheaply in Huge quantities and Without any Dangerous Side-products
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