Tricky words. Yellow group


Flashcards on Tricky words. Yellow group, created by Ainhoa Garmendia on 12/10/2020.
Ainhoa Garmendia
Flashcards by Ainhoa Garmendia, updated more than 1 year ago
Ainhoa Garmendia
Created by Ainhoa Garmendia about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
there There is a black dog
here Come over here!
they They are my friends.
come We all come to your party.
some Have you got some bread?
said My mum said it is true.
you You are my best friend
your Where is your backpack?
My I can't find my pencil.
go Can we go to the playground?
no No, you can't.
so So, where can we go?
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