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Flashcards by jakeashford99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jakeashford99 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment An amendment is a change or a correction to the Constitution.
Assimilate When someone changes their ways of how they live to fit in with another groups way of life.
Bias This is when someone either likes someone more or dislikes someone more so they go their way or whoever they are against's way.
Bicameral When the Legislative branch has two different sections.
Blockade When a group of people stop supplies from entering somewhere or leaving.
Boomtown A new town that was created due to sudden wealth or needed supplies.
Capitalism When people compete against one another in the marketplace and its for them personally to win not for the state.
Captain of Industry A figure in the marketplace that everyone likes and makes great decisions and helps out everyone that needs help.
Checks and Balances: A system made to keep all branches of government with the same amount of power.
Congress: it is the National legislative body of any country.
Due process of law Fair treatment in court to anyone no matter what.
Economics The knowledge of having wealth and knowing what to do with it.
Emancipated To free someone or a group of people form bondage.
Enfranchise When you give someone the right to vote.
Enumerated The amount of something that there is.
Federalism A system of government where the power is divided between the national government and state governments.
Forty-niners Someone who went to California in 1849 for the gold rush.
Free Enterprise Where privately owned businesses compete against one another and are free of state control.
Habeas Corpus A law that requires anyone arrested or accused of a crime to be taken to court and seen before a judge.
Industry When machines are being used to turn raw materials into finished products.
Judicial The part of the government that interprets the laws.
Ku Klux Klan A group of racist whites that hated blacks and wanted white power.
Manifest Destiny: The thought that the U.S. should expand west.
Martyr Someone that is killed because of what the believe in.
Monopoly When one business runs all other businesses out of business so they are the only supplier of that product.
Nomadic When people move constantly to either follow their food source or to stay out of danger.
Override If the president vetoes a bill then Congress can override that decision with two-thirds vote.
Popular Sovereignty That all political power comes from the people and the government is kept up by the people.
Ratify To sign or to make something officially valid.
Radical Someone that is very into their beliefs and will do whatever they can to make people think like them.
Republicanism When the head of state is just representing the peoples choices not the head of state is making the people his subjects.
Robber Baron Someone who owns a business and all he wants is the most amount of money possible and treats his workers terribly.
Rural Anything that's not the city, so the country, mountains, or woods.
Separation of Powers The reason we have three different branches so the government isn't too powerful.
Social Darwinism That just like animals humans that are created better and the better you are created the better you will survive.
Suffrage Thus is when people have the right to vote in a political election.
Supreme Court: The highest court in the country where the biggest crimes are taken care of.
Tariff A tax or price needed to pay on something that was exported or imported.
Taxation without Representation When people are forced to pay taxes but they have no say in what the taxes were on.
Trade Union A group of workers that came together to tell their boss that their working conditions were bad or they wanted more pay.
Urban The neighborhoods or cities would be urban. Anything with many buildings, houses, and people.
Veto The president can veto a bill that Congress passed so that it does not go through and become a bill.
Thomas Jefferson: He was our third president and signed the Declaration on Independence. He also made the Louisiana purchase.
Andrew Jackson: He was the seventh President and made the Indians go on the Trail of Tears. He was a mighty war general in the war of 1812 helping secure Florida from France.
Sacagawea: She lead the expedition of Lewis and Clark west and back. She was an Indian so she could speak with any other Indians they met on the way.
James Polk: He was our 11th president and grew America by 1/3. He purchased the Oregon territory and also led us through the Mexican-American war and got us California and most of the now southwest.
Fredrick Douglass: He was a slave but once he escaped he tried the best he could to stop slavery. Then he created a newspaper called the North Star to get people even more aware about ending slavery.
Harriet Beecher Stowe: She created a book that changed the nation called Uncle Toms Cabin.
John Brown: He was a radical republican who hated slavery and ran a famous raid called Harper's Ferry. His intentions were to arm slaves but that didn't happen.
Robert E. Lee: He was a military Officer in the Civil War and would later become a legendary general getting control of the Northern Virginia army.
Andrew Johnson: He was the 17th president and many people would say the worst. He didn't help the U.S. at all at the end of the war and just made tensions worse.
Susan B. Anthony: She was a leading figure in the abolitionist and women's voting rights movement and would lead the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
Sitting Bull: He was a Native American Chief of the Sioux tribe. He was a big part of US conflict against the Indians and was very defiant.
George Custer: He was a fantastic military officer especially in the Battle of Bull Run. But he faulted at the Battle at Little Bighorn where he lead his troops to a slaughter.
Cornelius Vanderbilt. He started out as a ferry worker but slowly became one of the richest men ever by using the railroad. He was also known for being extremely ruthless.
John Rockefeller: He was the richest man to ever live in America by taking peoples waste and turn it into oil and creating the largest monopoly ever. He did run other businesses out of business on purpose just to make the most money as possible.
Andrew Carnegie: He was also one of the richest men ever in America but he got his wealth by creating a quick cheap way to create steel.
Jamestown: This was the first ever permanent English settlement in North America.
Plymouth: It was founded by Pilgrims, and is most famous for introducing Thanksgiving and, more important, introducing self government into America through the Mayflower Compact. They tried to seek religious freedom in America.
Lexington and Concord: The Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War.
Erie Canal: Once completed it connected lake Erie with the Hudson River and made transport of people and goods much easier from the Michigan ports to the eastern seaboard.
The Alamo: Keeping the Alamo was important to keeping Texas so for all the people that lived there they fought to the death to keep it from Santa Anna a general from mexico.
Harper's Ferry: John Brown tried to raid a military base and arm all nearby slaves to start a rebellion. This was that start of many rebellions during the slave period.
Fort Sumter: This battle was the first battle of the Civil War and started off the war that would last for the next four years.
Gettysburg: General Robert E. Lee led his army of Northern Virginia in a gigantic win over Union forces and it was a huge confidence booster for the South. Many call it a turn in the tide.
Appomattox Courthouse: At Appomattox courthouse on April 9, 1865 the Civil War was ended and we finally became a connected country again.
Ford's theater: This is where president Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth right after the Civil War.
Promontory Point, Utah: This was the spot where the two trains, Jupiter and 119, met to complete the trans-continental railroad.
Ellis Island and Angel Island: They both served as the main points of immigration for everyone entering the United States.
Declaration of Independence This document finally made us separate from Great Britain and our own independent country.
Revolutionary War The Revolutionary war was a war between the British and the American colonists. The colonists wanted their freedom from the king and the British tried to make them stay.
Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation war our first constitution that we eventually replaced with the US Constitution.
Great Compromise Delegates from Congress wanted to make a way that smaller states and larger states would both have the same number of representatives in Congress. They created the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan then combined them to make the Great Compromise.
Passing of the Constitution It was passed in 1789 and once it was we had laws that everyone must follow so that we were a safer society.
Adding the Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights was added so that the government didn't have 100% power over the people and so that they had privacy from them.
Louisiana Purchase: The Louisiana Purchase was the largest single land purchase in our history. Purchased by President Jefferson it doubled our land mass and it was bought from the French.
Missouri Compromise: The Missouri Compromise was trying to make both the slave states and free states happy because they were both at 11 states at and with Missouri coming in they needed another state to make it even.
Indian Removal Act The Indian Removal act caused all Indians east of Oklahoma to walk the Trail of Tears to reserves in Oklahoma. Many were killed on the walk from their homelands and they were being moved to make room for the settlers moving in.
Mexican-American War This war was fought over from Texas, west all along the South of the United States. We wanted their land to complete the nation but we had to go to war for it but eventually won it.
California Gold Rush In 1848 settlers from all over the nation came to California to try and strike it rich in gold. Many lost everything coming or having to sell it because they are in debt.
Homestead Act The Government was giving plots of land away for little to no money for anyone who was willing to leave the city life and go to the country.
Industrial Revolution This was a time period where the country finally was moving over from the rural times to the new improved machine age.
Underground Railroad This was a trail that slaves took when they ran away to gain freedom. They would go from house to house at night only and eventually make it to the free states.
Seneca Falls Convention This was the first main women's rights convention. It was created to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman.
Compromise of 1850 California was entered as a free state and Utah and New Mexico would have no slave restrictions on them. Also the Fugitive Slave law requiring northerners to return free slaves to their masters.
Kansas- Nebraska Act This opened new territory to settle on and it was up to the settlers to decide by popular sovereignty whether to have slaves or not.
Dred Scott v. Sanford The first black man to ever take a white man to court went all the way to the Supreme court and naturally the white man won and this angered the black population and the Northerners.
Fugitive Slave Act This required any northerners to return runaway slaves they see to their masters and if they don't they would be punished by law.
Bleeding Kansas The state was bring torn apart by people on the choice of slavery and that's why they called it bleeding Kansas.
Civil War This was was between the north and south or union and confederate. They could not make peace on the subject of slavery so they went to war to try and win for their side.
Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln issued it and it said that all people being held as slaves in the rebellious states are to be now free.
Civil War Draft Riots The working-class was angry that now they could be "drafted" for the war and there's nothing they can do about it. They were mostly in New York.
Gettysburg Address: On November 19, 1863 president Lincoln gave a famous speech honoring the deaths at Gettysburg and the new cemetery.
Reconstruction This was the period after the Civil War when our country was trying to come back together and get past the war. Trying to help each other from the loss and officially end slavery and racism.
Civil War Amendments (13th/14th/15th) The 13th amendment abolished slavery everywhere in the United States. The 14th Amendment gives citizenship to all freedmen. The 15th amendment gave blacks the right to vote.
Completion of Trans- Continental Railroad: With the completion of the railroad now we could transport people and goods across the country much much faster.
Indian Wars The US army and the Indian army never got along well and when we broke our promise we went into a mini war with them all over causing many not needed deaths.
Gilded age This was when we finally started have the rich and extremely rich. This was causing man economical problems with the people of the lower class.
Populist Party This was our third political party for a while and it was made to represent the common folk and show that they also have a voice.
Plessy v. Ferguson This was a court case about that the "separate but equal" quote was not true for blacks and they wanted if fixed.
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