my brain


Flashcards by abbiwinters, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbiwinters about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
AMENDMENT an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution, etc.
ASSIMILATE to adapt to others cultures, ways or life ect.
BIAS your own opinion
BICAMERAL having two branches, chambers, or houses, as a legislative body.
BLOCKADE the isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit.
BOOMTOWN a town that has grown very popular suddenly because of prosperity
CAPITALISM an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production
CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY the men who built our country in the early days
CHECKS AND BALENCES to take money out and how much money you have.
CONGRESS the national legislative body of a nation, especially of a republic.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW the regular administration of the law, according to which no citizen may be denied his or her legal rights and all laws must conform to fundamental, accepted legal principles.
ECONOMICS pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities
EMANCIPATED freed from slavery or bondage.
ENFRANCHISE to set free, liberate, as from slavery
ENUMERATED name one by one, as in a list or an order.
FEDERALISM the federal principle of government
FORTY-NINERS a person who went to California in 1849
FREE ENTERPRISE an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control
HABEAS CORPUS requires a person under arrest to have a trial.
INDUSTRY the ownership and management of companies, factories, etc.
JUDICIAL pertaining to judgment in courts of justice or to the administration of justice:
KU KLUX KLAN a gang that killed and terrorized African Americans after the civil war.
MANIFEST DESTINY the expansion over north America.
MARTYR a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion.
MONOPOLY an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service, granted by a government
NOMADIC to move from place to place, usually seasonally and have no permanent residency
OVERRIDE to have the final say or rule, to have dominance over.
POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY power is vested in the people and that those chosen to govern, as trustees of such power.
RATIFY to confirm
RADICAL a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles, extremist.
RUPUBLICANISM the principles or theory of republican government
ROBBER BARON a person who was cruel and money hungry and the opposite of a captain of industry
RURAL living in the country, the country.
SEPARATION OF POWERS splitting up responsibilities so that one piece doesn't get to much.
SOCIAL DARWINISM the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals.
SUFFRAGE the right to vote, especially in a political election.
SUPREME COURT the highest court of the U.S.
TARIFF an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports.
TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION American colonists being taxed by British so they made this slogan
TRADE UNION a labor union of craftspeople or workers in related crafts, as distinguished from general workers or a union including all workers in an industry.
URBAN big city.
VETO to say no or push to the side.
THOMAS JEFFERSON founding father, author of the declaration of independence and the third president.
ANDREW JACKSON seventh president.
SACAGAWEA traveled with Lewis and Clark
JAMES POLK 11th president, was a democrat, and was the 17th speaker of the house of representatives.
FREDRICK DOUGLASS was a slave who escaped from slavery, he also wrote a book.
HARRIET BEECHER STOWE was an American abolitionist and wrote uncle toms cabin.
JOHN BROWN abolitionist who believed violence was the answer.
ROBERT E LEE. main leader of the confederate army in the civil war.
ANDREW JOHNSON became president after Lincoln was assassinated, he was a democrat.
SUSAN B ANTHONY new yorks state agent for the antislavery society, she was also a feminist who wanted womans suffrage to end.
SITTING BULL was a lokota tribal chief during the years of resistance between the us and Indians
GEORGE CUSTER he and his soldiers were killed at little big horn.
CORNELIUS VANDERBILT captain of industry
JOHN ROCKEFELLER captain of industry (oil)
ANDREW CARNEGIE captain of industry (steel)
JAMESTOWN first official American settlement
PLYMOUTH where the pilgrims lived and the mayflower stoped
LEXINGTON AND CONCORD first military engagements in the American revolutionary war.
ERIE CANAL first transportation system between the eastern see board.
THE ALAMO inspired the texian army
HARPERS FERRY where john browns raid took place.
FORT SUMTER first shots of the civil war were fired.
Gettysburg the battle that gave the union soldiers hope. and set the slaves free.
APPOMATTOX COURTHOUSE where the confederates surrendered
FORDS THEATER site of Lincolns assassination
PROMONTORY POINT UTAH where the first rail road was built.
ELLIS ISLAND AND ANGEL ISLAND where immigrants were inspected.
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE lists our rights as citizens
REVOLUTIONARY WAR war between great Brittan and the American colonies
ARTICLES OF CONFEDARATION the original constitution of the US, ratified in 1781, which was replaced by the US Constitution in 1789
GREAT COMPRIMISE congress got 2 houses
PASSING OF THE CONSTITUTION when the constitution passed.
ADDING THE BILL OF RIGHTS when they decided to add the bill of rights
LOUISIANNA PURCHASE the territory sold by France to the US in 1803, comprising the western part of the Mississippi valley and including the modern state of Louisiana.
MISSOURI COMPROMISE The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was a congressional agreement that regulated the extension of Slavery
INDIAN REMOVAL ACTS Andrew Jackson signed that the Indians would be moved to reservations
CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH gold was found in California and many people moved there to "become rich."
HOMESTEAD ACT gave people land for little to no cost.
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION the rapid development of industry that occurred in Britain in the late 18th and 19th centuries, brought about by the introduction of machinery
UNDERGROUND RAILROAD saved many slaves, was a way for slaves to escape.
SENECA FALLS CONVENTION first woman's rights convention
COMPROMISE OF 1850 defused a four-year political confrontation between slave and free states regarding the status of territories acquired during the Mexican-American War
KANSAS- NEBRASKA ACT separated Kansas and Nebraska opening up new lands for discovery
DRED SCOTT VS SANFORD dred scott tried to sew Sanford for his freedom and failed because property cant sew people
FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT fugitive slaves could be returned to their masters for money and if you knew of a fugitive slave & you didn't speak up you would be arrested.
BLEEDING KANSAS violence because of unclear slave boarders
CIVIL WAR union wanted slaves freed and confederates wanted slavery so they went to war and union won.
EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Lincoln said the slaves were officially free.
CIVIL WAR DRAFT RIOTS poor people were rioting rich people because they could pay not to be drafted.
GETTYSBURG ADDRESS the Gettysburg address was given after the battle of Gettysburg by president Lincoln
RECONSTRUCTION the period after the war when everything was being rebuilt,
CIVIL WAR AMENDMENTS 13- abolished slavery. 14-granted citizenship to former slaves 15-right to vote
INDIAN WARS the Indians were being taken from their lands and moved to reservations and were fighting back which caused wars.
GILDED AGE rapid economic growth
POPULIST PARTY represented the farmers and average citizens.
PLESSY VS FERGUSON a court case over segregation
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