What is Electronics? (Introduction)


Here we have some of my flashcards/notes from my electronics technician course at Penn Foster. I suggest listening to some ambient study music while you go through these. In my humble opinion, it helps with concentration. Enjoy. >:D
That Yeti Dog Person
Flashcards by That Yeti Dog Person, updated more than 1 year ago
That Yeti Dog Person
Created by That Yeti Dog Person over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A material is called a ______ if electricity can flow through it easily. (an example of this is copper) conductor
Some materials, such as rubber, are called ______ because they have very high resistance to the flow of energy. insulators
______ is the flow of electrons in a medium. (such as copper) Current
Current is measured in units called ______. amperes
______ is the abbreviation of amperes. A or amps
______ is the electrical pressure that forces electrons to flow through a medium. Voltage
Voltage is measured in units called _____. volts
______ is the abbreviation for volts. V
______ is the opposition to current flow presented by a medium. Resistance
Resistance is measured in units called ______. ohms
Ohms is often represented by the Greek letter ______. omega
____________ are used by technicians as a form of "shorthand" to show how components are connected in circuits. Schematic diagrams
_______ has a high resistance to current flow. It is often used as a heating element. (such as in a toaster) Nichrome
Heating elements are also called _________. resistive elements (resistance is what makes them heat up)
The resistive element in a _______ resistor is carbon mixed with a non-conducting substance, such as clay. In this type of resistor, the ratio of carbon to clay determines how much resistance it will have. (the more clay, the more resistance) carbon
The ______ resistor uses nichrome wire as the resistive element. In this type of resistor, resistance value can be varied by making the wire longer or thinner. (the longer & thinner the wire, the more resistance) wirewound
Batteries are a common source of ______ current. direct
_____ is the abbreviation for direct current. DC
Ordinary household current is ______ current. alternating
______ is the abbreviation for alternating current. AC
One complete reversal of AC is called a _____. cycle
The rate at which AC cycles occur is called the ______. frequency
Frequency is measured in units called ______. hertz
_____ is the abbreviation for hertz. Hz
Most electronic equipment runs on _____ current. DC
To turn AC current to DC current, it needs to be ______. rectified
In many circuits, the process of rectification is completed by a component called a _____. diode
The action of converting AC current to DC current is called ______. rectification
Diodes are often called ______. rectifiers
The two ends of a diode are called the ______ and the ______. anode, cathode
A diode will always be marked in some way to identify its ______ end. cathode
The ______ end of a diode must be connected to the negative side of the voltage source in order for it to conduct electricity. cathode
______ are a broad group of components that are used to convert some kind of environmental energy into electrical signals. (such as in a thermostat) Sensors
A ______ is a resistor that responds to temperature changes by changing its resistance. thermistor
A transistor had three leads: ______, ______, and ______. base, emitter, & collector
The most basic operation of a transistor is _______. amplification
On a printed circuit board, the components will be mounted from the ______ side of the board. substrate
The substrate side of a printed circuit board is also called the ______ side. component
The side of a printed circuit board that contains the conducting paths is called the ______ side. foil
A ______ is used to measure electrical values such as ohms, amperes, and volts in circuits. multimeter
Faults in electrical equipment often occur in the sections where voltages are converted. In these cases a piece of test equip. called a ______ can be used to test the device. power supply
Electrical test equipment with screens that display readouts in digits have ______ displays. digital
Electrical test equipment with displays that use pointers and scales to give readouts have ______ displays. analog
The ______ is an instrument that measures electrical signals and displays them on a tv-like screen. oscilloscope
A ________ is a troubleshooting tool that's used to produce simulated electronic signals in a circuit. signal generator
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