Algebra 1


Matter & Energy Flashcards on Algebra 1 , created by tylergreaver on 29/05/2015.
Flashcards by tylergreaver, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tylergreaver over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a point ? Point - names a location and has no size. It's represents by a dot.
What is a line ? Line - its a straight path that has no thickness and extends forever
What is a plane ? Plane - flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever
Collinear Point Points that lie on the same line
Coplanar Points that lie on the same plane
Line Segment Its the part of a line consisting of 2 points and all points between then.
Endpoints Its a point at the end of a segment
Rays Part of a line that starts at an endpoints and extends forever in a direction
Opposites Rays 2 rays that have a common endpoint and forms a line
Intersections When 2 lines cross each other
Interior Angles Inside Angles
Exterior angles Outside angles
Remote Interior Angles Angles in a interior that not adjacent to exterior angles
Third Angle Theorem If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the third angle or the first triangle will be congruent to the third angle of second triangle
Exterior Angles Theorem m<4 = m<1 + M<2
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