Romeo And Juliet Terms


Flashcards on Romeo And Juliet Terms, created by noorhadad14 on 11/06/2015.
Flashcards by noorhadad14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by noorhadad14 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aside A characters's remark, either to the audience or to another character, which others on stage do not hear. Reveals private thoughts
Sonnet A lyric poem of 14 lines, commonly written in iambic pentameter and they usually end in a couplet
Oxymoron Special kind of concise paradox that brings together two contradictory terms Ex.) Brawling Love, Loving Hate, Jumbo Shrimp
Soliloquy A speech given by a character alone on stage. It lets the audience know what the character is thinking and feeling
Tragedy A drama that ends in catastrophy
Tragic Hero The protagonist - the one with whom the audiences identify. Usually falls or dies because of a character flaw Ex.) Romeo
Dramatic Irony When the audience knows more than the characters on the stage Ex.) The audience knows Juliet is not dead when Romeo arrives in the tomb
Situational Irony A contrast between what a reader or a character expects and what actually happens
Foil A character whose personality and attitude contrast sharply with another Ex.) Benvolio and Tybalt
Pun Jokes that result from multiple word meanings or rhyming sounds Ex.) A grave man
Iambic Pentameter Type of meter that has five unstressed syllables and five stressed syllables Ex.) But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun
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