Unit 3 Vocab


English Vocab Words Flashcards on Unit 3 Vocab, created by Drayson Little on 22/10/2013.
Drayson Little
Flashcards by Drayson Little, updated more than 1 year ago
Drayson Little
Created by Drayson Little over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abridge To make shorter
Adherent A follower, supporter
Altercation An angry argument
Cherubic Resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with beautiful, round, or chubby faces
Condone To pardon or overlook
Dissent To Disagree
Eminent Famous, outstanding, distinguished, projecting
Exorcise To dive out by magic
Fabricate To make, manufacture; to make up, invert
Gluttony Engaging in extreme eating or drinking, greedy overindulgence
Irate Angry
Marauder A raider
Pauper An Extremely poor person
Pilfer To steal in small quantities
Rift A split, break, breach
Semblance A likeness
Surmount To overcome, rise above
Terminate To bring to an end
Trite Commonplace; overused
Usurp To seize and hold a position by force without right
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