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Killua Op
Flashcards by Killua Op, updated more than 1 year ago
Killua Op
Created by Killua Op over 3 years ago

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Abate To become weaker, to decrease in strength, Decrease
Aberrant Unusual, Different from usual
Abet To help, Encourage To support someone in a criminal act
Abeyance Cold Storage, Latency, Deep Freeze
Abnegate Surrender, Step down from, resign
Abortive Not Successful, Failure
Abridge To shorten by leaving out some parts. To lessen the strength or effect of something
Abrogate to end, cancel in a formal and official way
Abscond To go away, Escape secretly.
Abstemious Not eating or drinking too much. Sober, Temperate
Abstract A brief written statement of the main points or facts in a longer report Summary, Synopsis, To steal, To obtain or remove something
Abstruse Hard to understand
Abyss A hole or space so deep which cannot be measured.
Abysmal Extremely poor or bad Deep, bottomless
Accede To agree to a request or demand To enter a high office or position.
Acclaim To praise in very strong and enthusiastic way. Applause, Cheer, Salute.
Acclivity An ascending slop, Hill, rise, uphill
Accolade An award, Expression of praise
Accretion Slow accumulation or formation A result of gradual growth
Acme The highest point of something Peak, Summit, Culmination
Acquiesce To agree/accept/allow something without any argument Accede, Consent
Acrid Bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell.
Acrimonious Angry and bitter Acrid, Bitter, Hard, Sore
Actuate To make move/operate To cause someone to do something Activate, Crank up, Drive
Acuity The ability to see, hear or understand something easily Delicacy, sensitivity, sharpness
Acumen The ability to think clearly and make good decision.
Adept Highly skilled and well-trained person Expert, Proficient
Adjure To urge/Command to do something
Admonish To speak to someone in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism.
Adulate Excessive or slavish admiration or flattery.
Adulterate To make something impure by adding something of poor. Impure, Alloyed, Dilute
Adumbrate To suggest, Disclose, outline partially. Something that shows what is coming To suggest beforehand
Adversary Enemy, Opponent
Adversity A difficult situation/condition Misfortune, Tragedy
Advocate A person who argues for or support a cause or policy
Aerie A nest of a bird especially of Hawk or Eagle Built at the cliff Or at the top of mountain.
Aesthetic Relating to art or beauty, Beautiful, Lovely
Affable Friendly and easy to talk to
Aggrandize To make great or greater To increase, enlarge
Alchemy A science that was used in the middle ages with the goal of changing ordinary metals into gold. A power that changes or transforms something in a mysterious Or impressive way.
Alacrity A quick and cheerful readiness to do something.
Allay To make less strong/severe.
Allude To make indirect reference Hint, imply
Altruist A person having feelings and behavior that show a desire to help others and lack selfishness
Amalgamate To unite in one thing
Ambidextrous Able to use both hands equally
Ambiguous Not expressed or understood clearly Having more than one possible meaning
Ambivalence Continual fluctuation between one thing and its opposite.
Ameliorate To make better, less painful To make tolerable
Amenable Willing to agree, Ready
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