Created by Grace Inca
over 3 years ago
Question | Answer |
1. assuage | make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense |
2. thumb | the short, thick first digit of the human hand, set lower and apart from the other four and opposable to them |
3. taciturn | (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech |
4. hammock | a bed made of canvas or of rope mesh and suspended by cords at the ends |
5. distaste | mild dislike or aversion |
6. stiff | not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid |
7. wilt | become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop |
8. boundaries | a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line |
9. hush | make (someone) be quiet or stop talking |
10. chinaberry | a tall tree native to Asia and Australasia, bearing fragrant lilac flowers and yellow berries |
11. worshiped | show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites |
12. stumphole whisky | illegally made whiskey that was hidden in holes of tree stumps in order to hide the stills |
13. flivver | a cheap car or aircraft, especially one in bad condition |
14. alongside | close to the side of; next to |
15. ramrod straight | in a very straight and stiff way |
16. crimson | of a rich deep red color inclining to purple |
17. faint | (of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible |
18. irk | irritate; annoy |
19. caught up | catch up. To move fast enough to join |
20. wonderment | a state of awed admiration or respect |
21. smack | a sharp slap or blow, typically one given with the palm of the hand |
22. iniquities | immoral or grossly unfair behavior |
23. shriek | a high-pitched piercing cry or sound; a scream |
24. gallop | the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped |
25. landowner | a person who owns land, especially a large amount of land |
26. flagpole | a pole used for flying a flag |
27. tinfoil | foil made of aluminum or a similar silvery-gray metal, used especially for covering or wrapping food |
28. blaze of glory | to do something very dramatic at the end of your career or your life which makes you famous |
29. nagging | (of a person) constantly harassing someone to do something |
30. promptness | the quality of arriving quickly or exactly when you're supposed to |
31. flutter | (of a bird or other winged creature) fly unsteadily or hover by flapping the wings quickly and lightly |
32. jab | poke (someone or something) roughly or quickly, especially with something sharp or pointed |
33. asinine | extremely stupid or foolish |
34. prowess | skill or expertise in a particular activity or field |
35. fence
Westtown (image/jpeg)
a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape |
36. hat-rack | a rack furnished with pegs on which hats, coats, etc., may be hung |
37. nothingness | the absence or cessation of life or existence |
38. pilgrimage | a journey of a pilgrim |
39. stovewood | wood sawed into stove lengths |
40. groggy | dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow |
41. hedge-clippers | a gardening tool or machine used for trimming (cutting, pruning) hedges or solitary shrubs |
42. pantry | a small room or closet in which food, dishes, and utensils are kept |
43. hotheadedness | easily angered; quick-tempered |
44. rudiments | the first principles of (a subject) |
45. bluejays | a common North American jay with a blue crest, back, wings, and tail |
46. mockingbird | a long-tailed songbird with grayish plumage, found mainly in tropical America |
47. scuppernong
Scuppernongs (image/jpeg)
variety of grapes that are native Southern United States and is usually a greenish or bronze color |
48. toss | an action or instance of tossing something |
49. baton | a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or choir |
50. syringe | a tube with a nozzle and piston for ejecting liquid in a thin stream, used for cleaning wounds or body cavities |
51. sweep | move swiftly and smoothly |
52. moat | a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, fort, or town, typically filled with water and intended as a defense against attack |
53. camellia | a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae |
54. morphine | an analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain |
55. cantankerous | bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative |
56. fishpool | a pool of water containing fish |
57. petticoat | a woman's light, loose undergarment hanging from the shoulders or the waist, worn under a skirt or dress |
58. unceiled | to line or finish |
59. clergymen | a male priest, minister, or religious leader, especially a Christian one |
60. tidiness | state or quality of being arranged neatly and in order |
61. saddlebags | one of a pair of covered pouches laid across the back of a horse behind the saddle |
62. wisdom | the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period |
63. utterly | completely and without qualification; absolutely |
64. embroidery | the art or pastime of embroidering cloth |
65. broom | a long-handled brush of bristles or twigs, used for sweeping |
66. beneath | extending or directly underneath, typically with close contact |
67. struck | so shocked or surprised that one cannot speak I was struck dumb by the news |
68. begrudge | give reluctantly or resentfully |
69. linotype | a composing machine producing lines of words as single strips of metal, used chiefly for newspapers |
70. folks | people in general |
71. subpoena | a writ ordering a person to attend a court |
72. litigants | a person involved in a lawsuit |
73. scrutiny | critical observation or examination |
74. wispy | (of hair, threads, smoke, etc.) fine; feathery |
75. limestone | a hard sedimentary rock, composed mainly of calcium carbonate or dolomite |
76. cheesecloth | thin, loosely woven cloth of cotton, used originally for making and wrapping cheese |
77. deaf | unwilling or unable to hear or pay attention to something |
78. gavel | a small mallet with which an auctioneer, a judge, or the chair of a meeting hits a surface to call for attention or order |
79. wrathfully | very angry; ireful; full of wrath |
80. maleness | the quality of being a man or a boy |
81. detachment | the state of being objective or aloof |
82. merely | just; only |
83. midst | in the middle of |
84. idle | (of a person) avoiding work; lazy |
85. scope | the opportunity or possibility to do or deal with something |
86. remorse | deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed |
87. furtive | suggestive of guilty nervousness |
88. yawned | (of an opening or space) be very large and wide |
89. gruffly | brusque or stern in manner or appearance |
90. jaw | each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth and containing the teeth |
91. wretch | an unfortunate or unhappy person |
92. sin | an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law |
93. dainties | pleasing to the taste |
94. dreary | dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing |
95. slender | (of a person or part of the body) gracefully thin |
96. dictatorship | government by a dictator |
97. grudge | a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury |
98. purloin | steal (something) |
99. pageant | a public entertainment and a procession of people in elaborate an outdoor performance of a historical scene |
100. haints | a type of ghost or evil spirit that originated in the beliefs and customs of the Gullah Geechee people, descendants of African slaves |
101. mocker | a person who mocks someone or something |
102. fling | throw or hurl forcefully |
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