RL 6.1 Vocab


Ms. Edgal's RL 6.1 vocab
Adesua Edgal
Flashcards by Adesua Edgal, updated more than 1 year ago
Adesua Edgal
Created by Adesua Edgal over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Analyze To think deeply about, to research and examine; thinking deeply about a text so that you can explain something about it.
Text Books, movies, or any printed or visual work.
Text Evidence Support from the text that backs up ideas. Information taken from a text to support your ideas.
Explicit Stated clearly and in detail; direct statements
Direct Straight to the point
Imply To strongly suggest; to hint at something
Indirect Not directly stated, but implied
Inference An educational guess based on text evidence or background knowledge
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