Contracts - Supplementary & Special Conds of the Contract


PPM ARE 5.0 PPM (Project Planning & Mgmt) Ballast Review Flashcards on Contracts - Supplementary & Special Conds of the Contract, created by Kara Biczykowski on 01/10/2021.
Kara Biczykowski
Flashcards by Kara Biczykowski, updated more than 1 year ago
Kara Biczykowski
Created by Kara Biczykowski over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SUPPLEMENTARY & SPECIAL CONDS 1) b/c ea. const. project is unique & not every cond. can be covered in a standard doc., conds are handled by either: 2) although there is no standard form for supplementary conds, what can be a guide? 1) modifying the A201 Gen. Conds or give a separate doc called the supplementary conds 2) A503 Guide for Supplementary Conds gives a model language to be used in modifying/ supplementing the Gen Conds
1-2) additional conds should be separate from the contract when: 1) matters pertaining only to the bidding process should be included in bidding docs 2) admin & procedural reqs should be given only as broad provisions in the Gen Conds & explained in Division 01 (Gen Reqs) of the specs
EX OF SUPPLEMENTARY CONDS 1) permission for arch to prov. contractor w/ instruments of service in electronic form 2) additional info & services prov. by owner 3) cost for the arch to review the contractors requests for substitutions 4) the req. that the contractor employ a superintendent to coord. mech & elec work 5) provisions for fast-tracked sch-ling 6) reimbursement by the contractor for xtra site visits by the arch that are made necessary by fault of the contractor
7) additional protection for the owner against claims for additional time or consequential damages 8) reqs for more detailed info on costs & overhead 9) additional reqs for payment procedures 10) reqs for liquidated damages & bonuses 11) additional reqs for bonding & insurance
1) in addition to supplementary conds, a project may req: 2) ^ (answer) these are always given by: 3) although the supplementary conds is written for a particular project, its individual provisions can be used on: 4) ea. provision of (__) can only be written once for unique circumstances 1) special conds, which are provisions completely unique to a project or site 2) a separate doc. attached to the contract 3) different projects for the same client or that are governed by the same regulations or local laws 4) a special conditions
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