Preconstruction Activities


CE ARE 5.0 CE (Const & Evaluation) Ballast Review Flashcards on Preconstruction Activities, created by Kara Biczykowski on 17/10/2021.
Kara Biczykowski
Flashcards by Kara Biczykowski, updated more than 1 year ago
Kara Biczykowski
Created by Kara Biczykowski about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1-5) what are the 5 major types of project delivery systems? 6) regardless of the project delivery system, the arch's duties will always include: * (see ch 3 for methods of delivery & ch 5 for arch responsibilities) 1) design-bid-build (or design-award-build) 2) construction manager as adviser 3) construction manager as constructor 4) design-build 5) integrated project delivery 6) assisting in the selection of a contractor & in controlling costs
DESIGN-BID-BUILD 1) traditional method where the arch's responsibilities are to: 2) contract for arch's work is based on: 3) in this delivery method, the arch's preconst. responsibilities are: 1) design the project, complete const. dwgs, write spec's, estimate costs 2) 1 of AIA owner-arch agrmts & ref. AIA Doc A201 "Gen. Cond.'s of the Contract for Const." or sim. 3) assisting w/ the bidding process
- DBB delivery method steps 1) contract docs are put out to bid &: 2) (__) is signed 3) the contractor constructs the bldg & the arch: 1) typ the firm that has submitted the lowest cost is awarded the contract 2) the owner-contractor agrmt 3) provides const. admin services that is paid for by owner
1) "competitive bidding" is popular w/ owners b/c: 2) competitive bidding should be done w/in clear guidelines to protect the owner from: 3) for public agencies, (__) bidding is mandatory 4) some jurisdictions for public funding, (VBS) "calue-based selection" is allowed which is where: 1) it usually results in the lowest const. cost 2) disreputable contractors & unethical bidding practices 3) open public bidding 4) the process considers more than just the lowest cost & factors in quality, sch, & contractor personnel
1) an oth option is the "negotiation" process where: 2) thru negotiation a contractor can be selected by: 3) the arch may assist w/ (__) at the owner's request 1) the owner w/ the arch work out a final contract price w/ one contractor 2) past work relationships/ referral/ reputation or several are interviewed by owner & selected based on qualifications (+ fee proposal sometimes) 3) organizing & be part of selection interviews & negotiation process
1) during the negotiation process, contractors may pt out: 2) even if agrmt is negotiated w/ gen. contractor, subs may still: 1) potential problems, make suggestions, propose changes to design or spec's to reduce cost 2) be open to competitive bidding
PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 1-7) bidding can be open to any contractor or a restricted list prequalified by owner based on the following info submitted: 1) financial qualifications 2) personnel 3) experience 4) references 5) size of firm 6) bonding capability 7) any special qualities that make them particularly suite for the project
1) when prequalification is allowed in public work, it's typ based on: 2) prequalification purpose is to show what contractors meet standards of: 1) financial assets & size of firm 2) reliability, experience (esp in project type), financial stability, performance,
ADVERTISING FOR BIDS 1) when contractors are permitted to submit a bid, an "advertisement for bid" (typ written by arch) is: 2) when contractors must be prequalified: 1) published in 1 or more trade journals, newspapers, online publications, sent to const. trade associations to be distributed 2) the owner may send an "invitation to bid"
-an advertisement for bid should include: 1) fact that a call for bids is being made 2) the project name & location 3) names & addresses of owner/ arch 4) brief description of the project w/ bldg type, size, principal const. mat.'s + systems, & oth pertinent info 5) when & where bids are due 6) where bid docs may be viewed 7) how & where bidding docs can be obtained & the deposit req.'d if any 8) type & amt of bid bonds req.'d 9) procedures for submitting bids 10) whether/ not bids will be opened publicly 11) oth info needed like owner's right to waive irregularities of bidding process or to accept bids oth than the lowest
1) advertising for bids is usually req.'d for: 2) these clients ^ may have specific guidelines for: 3) private work can be publicly advertised if 4) an invitation to bid for prequalified bidders contains what info? 1) public work 2) the # of times the ad must run, publications to be submitted to, oth admin guidelines 3) the bidding is open 4) same as ad for bid & maybe set of dwgs/ specs or link to access on line
AVAILABILITY OF BID DOCS 1) ea. bidder receives the req.'d docs: 2) gen. practice to req. prospective bidders to give a: 1) prints of the dwgs, spec's, bidding docs, bid forms, oth items 1) deposit on ea. set of docs & only returned when docs are returned to arch in usable cond. (extra sets can always be purchased by contractor)
1-4) if a list of selected bidders is in place, them, their subs, & mat. suppliers can receive docs by: 1) docs sent directly to bidders at no charge 2) docs may be put on file in a central plan room 3) docs may be available for purchase at printing co., plan rooms, or sim 4) electronic versions of the central plan room or docs may be available on a project website
ADDENDA 1) an "addendum" is a: 1) written or graphic doc. issued by the arch during the bid period prior to the execution of the contract, that modifies or interprets the bidding docs by addition, deletion, clarification, or correction
1) addenda are the instruments in which to make change during the bidding process like: 2) when an addendum is issued, it's transmitted to all register bidders w/in: -arch/ owner can make changes, address questions that arise during the bidding process, make substitutions, fix found errors 2) 4-5 days before receipt of bids to give enough time to study it & modify their proposals
PRE-BID CONFERENCE 1) this is a meeting where bidders can: 2) these meetings are very useful for what type of project? 3) very large projects may hold separate meetings for who: 4) during meetings, notes should be taken, distributed to all present or not, &: 1) ask questions & arch/ owner can emphasize important cond.'s of project 2) renovations or additions b/c bidders can see the existing cond.'s 3) mech subcontract or elec. bidders, etc 4) answers to significant questions received at the meeting should be formalized in an addendum
BID OPENING 1) what type of work req.'s bids to be opened & read publicly? 2) instructions to bidders states what about openings? 3) AIA Doc A701 "Instructions to Bidders" states bids received late must be: 1) public work, whereas private can open bids privately & share the results later 2) if they'll be public or privately opened, & include date, time, location if public 3) returned unopened, even if oth's haven't been opened yet
1) public bid openings are conducted by: 2) bids are read aloud noting any: 3) the arch prepares a bid log to what? 4) the bid log should be made available to: 5) decision of award is usually w/in (__) days & the arch shouldn't announce what? 1) the arch w/ owner & bidders present 2) presence or absent req.'d supporting docs 3) note the base bid amt, the mts of alts, whether receipt of addenda was acknowledged, oth pertinent info 4) bidders in both open & private bidding 5) 7-10 days / lowest bid at the bid opening
EVALUATION & AWARDING OF BID 1) what is included w/ checking bids by arch+owner? 2) the owner+arch don't only look for lowest proposed contract sum but also review: 1) checking references, confirming insurance, rejecting bids w/ incomplete doc., anything else owner wants 2) prices quoted for alts, subs, lists of proposed subcontractors, qualification statements, & oth doc. req.'d by the instructions to bidders
1) the owner has the right to reject any/ all bids including ones that: 2) after bids are opened & bidder discovers a clerical/ mathematical error was made they can: 3) final decision of selection should be sent to: 1) aren't accompanied by req.'d bid bond or docs, or bids incomplete/ irregular 2) withdraw the bid (if it was lowest bid, the next lowest is accepted) 3) all bidders, not only selected one
-if all bids exceed budget, & owner-arch agrmt fixes a limit on const., the owner can do 1 of 4 things: 1) owner may rebid the project, req. arch to assist a 2nd time in process w/ no + compensation - unless the market is rapidly changing, w/out revising scope/ details, typ doesn't result in a significant cost reduction 2) owner may authorize an increase in const. cost & proceed 3) owner may work w/ arch to revise scope to reduce const. cost - arch doesn't get + compensation for redesign/ doc revisions 4) owner may abandon the project *alts w/ sub-ing mat.'s/ const. elements are priced along w/ base bid to estimate moving that direction as an option
BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1) the arch typ prepares bidding docs using: 2) if arch isn't familiar w/ client provided forms they should: 3) although bidding docs are in project manual, they aren't part of: 1) standard AIA forms or forms from owner 2) review it carefully to confirm where responsibilities are assigned 3) the contract documents
-bidding documents typ include: 1) advertisement or invitation to bid 2) instructions to bidders 3) supplementary instructions to bidders (if any) 4) bid forms 5) bid security info 6) performance bond, if req.'d 7) labor & mat. payment bond, if req.'d
-bidding docs sometimes include: 1) qualification forms 2) proposed subcontractor list 3) cert. of insurance 4) cert. of compliance w/ applicable laws & regulations 5) + info available like geotechnical data + bidding docs, bidding package includes: 1) drawings 2) specifications 3) gen. & supplementary cond.'s of the contract 4) special cond.'s (if any) 5) addenda issued prior to receipt of bids 6) form of agrmt btwn owner & contractor 7) advertisement / invitation to bid
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1) the "instructions to bidders" outlines the 2) which doc. is often used for this^ 1) procedures & req.'s that the bidders must follow in submitting bids, how the bids will be considered, & submittals req.'d of the successful bidder 2) AIA Doc A701 "Instructions to Bidders"
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INCLUDES: 1) "bidder's representations" - bidder represents the docs have been read & understood, plans + specs reviewed, site has been visited to understand work to take place, understands bid is based on mat.'s, equip., systems req'd by bidding docs w/out exception 2) "bidding docs" - states where docs may be obtained & how many sets allowed, amt of $ req.'d to obtain docs, deposit typ returned if brought back in good cond., winning bidder gets to keep docs w/ a returned deposit (not typ issued to sub-bidders unless spec.'d)
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INCLUDES: 3) "interpretation of correction of bidding docs" - req.'s contractor to study docs & examine site & local cond.'s, & report to arch any inconsistencies discovered, if clarification is needed, written request must be 7 to arch days before bid, & arch makes addendum & sends to all bidders which must acknowledge it on bid form 4) "substitutions" - proposal must meet standard of mat.'s/ products described in dwgs/ specs, request for approval must be sent 10 days prior to bid date & include name of mat./etc for which the "sub" is made w/ backup info on proposed sub item, arch reviews & rejects or approves, if approved arch issues addendum to all bidders who then acknowledge if on bid form
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INCLUDES: 5) "addenda" - must be transmitted to all bidders & made available for inspection wherever bidding docs are on file for that purpose, issued no later than 4 days prior to bid 6) "bidding procedures" - specifies how bid form is to be completed, accompanying bid security, procedure for submitting bid, typ in sealed envelopes w/ name of receiver on outside + project name + name of entity submitting it
7) "modification or withdrawal of bid" - bids may not be modified after the designated bid time & date, but before it can be in writing over signature of bidder which signifies original bid cannot be used, receiver of bids must date & time stamp request, & withdrawn bids can be resubmitted if they fully conform w/ Instructions to Bidders 8) "consideration of bids" - procedure for opening & reviewing bids explained here, including under what cond.'s bids may be rejected, how they'll be evaluated, cond.'s for award of the contract, & owner has right to reject any/ all bids & to accept alts in any order or combo & to determine the low bidder on the basis of the sum of the base bid & alts accepted
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INCLUDES: 9) "post-bid information" - after the bid's awarded, the contractor submitting the low bid must submit to the arch 9a) AIA Doc A305 "Contractor's Qualifications Statement" 9b) summary of the work to be performed w/ contractor's own forces 9c) names of manufacturers, products, & supplier of the principal items proposed for project 9d) names of persons or companies proposed to perform major portions of the work
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INCLUDES: 10) if successful bidder requests, the owner must supply bidder w/ reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the owner's obligations, no later than 7 days prior to expiration of time for bid withdrawals 11) "performance bond & payment bond" - req.'d bonds & the time during which they must be delivered are outlined here, typ cost of bonds is included in bid price unless specifically req.'d after receipt of bid & before contract execution
BID FORMS 1) to ensure all bids will be in identical format for ease of arch/ owner comparing bids, there should be: 2) bid forms should contain space for the 3) bidder should have space to list & acknowledge receipt of any: 4) bid forms must be signed by: 1) a standardized form on which ea. bidder enters the req.'d info 2) amt of base bid written in both #'s & words, prices for any alts or subs, proposed unit prices, # of calendar or work days proposed to complete work 3) addenda 4) someone legally empowered to bind contractor to owner in a contract, often space for a corporate seal
BID SECURITY 1) bid security is req.'d to ensure that the successful bidder will: 2) bid security may be in the form of: 3) if successful bidder doesn't enter into agrmt, bid security can be used to: 4) amt of bid security is set as: 1) enter into a contract w/ the owner 2) a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond 3) compensate for the diff. btwn the low bid & next lowest bidder 4) a fixed price or % of the bid, typ about 5% of the estimated cost of const. or bid price
PERFORMANCE BONDS 1) a performance bond is a statement by: 1) a surety company that obligates complete const. of the project in the event that the contractor defaults on their obligations - so they can resume by hiring a new contractor or supply $ to current contractor to allow const. to proceed
1) performance bonds are mandatory on: 2) the cost of the performance bond is paid by who & typ include in (__) price 3) the arch/ owner must verify the bond is written by a surety who is: 1) public work, but advisable on private 2) owner / construction price 3) qualified to issue bonds in state where const. will take place (some states don't accept surplus-lines carriers based in a diff state which can make a bond invalid)
LABOR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BONDS 1) performance bonds don't req. payment for: 2) b/c of ^ (__) can file (__) against the property or: 1) labor & mat.'s to suppliers, employees, or subcontractors by the defaulting contractor 2) subs & suppliers can file a lien against the property or sue the owner to obtain compensation = why this type of bond is typ req.'d w/ a performance bond
*Practice Question - Which kind of project delivery method is the arch's duties/ responsibilities during preconstruction most limited? 1) const. manager as adviser 2) design-bid-build 3) design-build 4) integrated project delivery *Answer: 4) integrated project delivery Solution: b/c the bidding or negotiation for large portions of the work has already been done. The arch is still responsible for working w/ permitting agencies to ensure code compliance, answering questions from subcontractors & vendors bidding for small portions of the work, & reviewing prefabrication studies
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AS ADVISOR - CM can fulfill the following duties: 1) advising on constructability issues 2) providing cost estimating 3) est. the project sch 4) managing the const. contracts 5) making early mat. purchases of items w/ long lead times 6) acting as a 3rd party adviser, working w/ the owner + arch on matters of constructability & cost 7) acting as contractor, giving preconst. advice, estimating cost, sch services, & const. services 8) (less common) acting as agent, coord. & assisting the activities of the owner, arch, contractor
1) when owner uses CM as adviser, responsibilities of arch are governed by: 1a) AIA Doc B132, "Standard Form of Agrmt Btwn Owner & Arch, Const. Manager as Adviser Edition" & is used w/ 1b) AIA Doc A132, "Etc Agrmt Btwn Owner & Contractor, Etc" & is used w/ 1c) AIA Doc A232, "Gen. Cond.'s of the Contract for Const., Const. Manager as Adviser Ed."
1) owner has the option to complete the project w/ 2) under AIA Doc B132, rolls of arch is sim to design-bid-build w/ exceptions like: 1) one contractor or multiple prime contractors 2) providing cost estimates this time b/c the CM develops this, the sch, & advises on constructability while working w/ the arch during design phases
1) the arch submits a sch of the design services for: 2) what does the CM use for a basis of prelim cost estimating? 3) to meet owner req.'s, arch must consider (__) from the CM 4) what process cont.'s thru the DD phase? 1) inclusion in the overall project sch to the owner & CM 2) SD docs prepared by arch 3) suggestions for alt mat.'s, bldg systems, any on program/ aesthetics 4) arch prepares spec's to identify major mat.'s/ systems & est. quality level, & CM adjusts cost estimate to reflect this
1) if CM's estimate of cost of work exceeds owner's budget prior to conclusion of DD, then the arch must: 2) if the CM's estimate at the conclusion of DD exceeds owner's budget, the owner has 3 options: 1) consult w/ the CM & make recommendations to owner to adjust either project size, quality, budget - owner must cooperate 2a) give written approval to increase budget 2b) revise the project program, scope, or quality as req.'d to reduce cost 2c) implement any oth mutually acceptable alternative
1) if owner decides to revise the program, scope, or quality, the arch must: 2) arch's proceed to traditionally complete CD's after the owner has: 3) once CD's are completed the project is then: 1) incorporate the needed modifications in the CD's phase to comply w/ owner's budget w/out additional compensation 2) approved DD docs & made any adjustments in project req.'s & budget 3) sent out for competitive bidding or the contract is negotiated w/ a qualified contractor
1) if the project is bid, the arch's roll is: 2) if the project is negotiated, the arch: 3) if negotiated, once the contractor selection is made the project proceeds: 1) sim. to those of a design-bid-build 2) assists the owner & CM in the reproduction of proposal docs, selection interviews & negotiations w/ prospective contractors 3) traditionally (DBB) thru const. & arch & CM prov. const. admin services defined by AIA Doc A232
1-3) what are the major difference btwn the CM as adviser & the CM as constructor? 1) multiple prime contractors may be used 2) there is no guaranteed max price set by the CM 3) bidding or negotiation is used to set the final cost of the project
CONST. MANAGER AS CONSTRUCTOR 1) when owner chooses to hire a const. co. that also prov.'s const. mgmt services, the arch's responsibilities are in AIA Doc: 2) in this agrmt, the arch's rolls are sim. to DBB w/ exceptions like: 1) B133 "Standard Form of Agrmt Btwn Owner & Arch, Const. Manager as Constructor Ed." - intended to be used w/ AIA Doc A201 "Gen. Cond.'s of the Contract for Const." 2) the arch must work w/ the CM during design phases as CM develops cost & sch of project & advises on constructability
1) what is not part of the arch's roll under AIA Doc B133? 2) what does the CM use for beginning to est. a proposal or cost estimate? 3) to meet owner's req.'s, the arch must consider owner's & CM's suggestions for: 1) providing cost estimates, the arch submits a sch of design services to owner & CM to be in overall project sch 2) SD docs prepared by arch 3) alt. mat.'s, bldg systems, program & aesthetics - a process that cont.'s thru DD + addition of spec's identifying major mat.'s & systems & level of quality
1) if the CM's estimate of cost of work exceeds owner's budget prior to conclusion of DD, the arch must: 2) if CM's estimate at conclusion of DD exceeds owner's budget, owner has 3 options: 1) consult w/ CM & make recommendations to owner to adjust project size, quality, budget - owner must cooperate 2a) give written approval to increase budget 2b) revise project program, scope, quality to reduce cost 2c) implement any oth mutually acceptable alternative
1) if owner chooses to revise program, scope, quality, then in CD's: 2) the arch can proceed to complete CD's w/ traditional DBB approach after the owner has: 3) under const. manager as constructor method, the basis of payment is: 1) arch must incorporate modifications to comply w/ owner's budget w/out additional compensation 2) made any adjustments in project req.'s & budget & approved DD docs 3) the cost of the work plus a fee, either w/ or w/out a guaranteed max price
1) at a time mutually agreed on by the owner & CM, the CM prepares: 2) ^afterwards, the arch assists the owner in reviewing the doc, but is not responsible for: 1) either a guaranteed max price proposal or a ctrl estimate for the owner's review & acceptance - can be anytime during one of the phases 2) discovering errors & omissions for the assumption of any of the CM's responsibilities, but if one is noticed to notify owner & CM
DESIGN-BUILD 1) when the owner uses a design-build & the arch serves as a consultant to the design-builder, the arch's roll is stated in: 2) if arch contracts w/ design-builder to only prov. design services then: 1) AIA Doc B143, "Standard Form of Agrmt Btwn Design-Builder & Arch" - all arch responsibilities during all phases + preconst. are defined in an exhibit to the agrmt 2) the design-builder provides const. procurement & admin services, & the arch has no role in bidding or negotiation
1) if arch contracts w/ design-builder to provide const. procurement services then: 2) if proposed cost of work for arch's portion of project exceeds the lowest bona fide bid or negotiated proposal, the design-builder has 4 options: 1) the arch's duties are the same as w/ a traditional DBB approach 2a) give written approval of an increase in budget for arch's portion 2b) authorize rebidding or renegotiation 2c) terminate agrmt w/ the arch 2d) cooperate in revising project scope & quality as needed to reduce the cost of work for the arch's portion of the project
*Practice Question -in addition to making a base bid for a project as specified, ea. contractor is asked to state how much less his bid will be if 8 large twin wndws shown in dwgs are replaced w/ smaller casement wndws, this is an ex. of: 1) add alternates 2) allowances 3) deduct alternates 4) reduction - answer: 3) deduct alternates - solution: a request that the contractor supply, in addition to a base bid as specified, a price for some variation like change in mat.'s or component of const. is an "alternate," & when the alternate leads to a reduction in the bid, it's a "deduct alternate"
INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY 1) when the owner uses the IPD ^ method, the arch's responsibilities are defined by AIA docs depending on what type of approach is used: 2) w/ any of these ^ approaches, the roles/ responsibilities of the arch during preconst. 1a) transitional forms 1b) multi-party agrmts 1c) a single purpose entity 2) are limited, b/c in IPD terms preconst. is the phase that includes agency review & buyout
1) if transitional forms are used, the docs governing the arch's involvement during preconst. are: 2) "agency review" includes: 1) AIA Doc B195, "Standard Form of Agrmt Btwn Owner & Arch for Integrated Project Delivery" & AIA Doc A295, "Gen. Cond.'s of the Contract for Integrated Project Delivery" 2) the standard bldg code check by the AHJ & oth reviews by permitting agencies (IPD encourages early involvement ^)
1) how can the agency review process be streamlined? 2) the arch's role during this phase is limited to: 3) "buyout" is the process of: 1) by using BIM, this uses electronic plan checking & analysis software 2) working w/ agency reps to ensure code compliance & coord. any questions or communication issues related to the BIM 3) selecting suppliers & finalizing prices from any remaining subcontractors & vendors that aren't part of IPD process
1) there is no major bidding or negotiating in IPD in the traditional way b/c: 2) the arch may be req.'d to: 3) who is gen. responsible for finalizing remaining bidding or negotiation efforts prior to start of const.? 1) the prime contractor, major subcontractors, & major vendors have already been selected & have priced out their portion of the work 2) answer questions from remaining bidders & review prefab. studies to ensure integrity of design intent 3) contractor & owner, sometimes the arch may be involved
CONTRACTOR SELECTION 1) when project delivery is based on DBB process, contractor is selected typ by: 2) the arch typ has a role to assist w/ contractor selection when the project is: 3) what doc can be used by arch/owner in addition to personally interviewing? 1) submission of the lowest bid 2) privately funded, publicly funded & the local jurisdiction allows a value-based selection process 3) AIA Doc A301, "Contractor's Qualification Statement" - this can prov. a sworn, notarized statement w/ appropriate attachments to verify contractor's capabilities
- things arch should consider in contractor selection assistance 1) cost 2) previous experience in project type being built 3) references from past clients 4) experience of personnel 5) sufficient personnel to complete the project 6) financial qualifications, including responsibility & past experience 7) bonding capacity for types of bonds req.'d 8) ability to obtain the insurance req.'d by the project 9) history of past claims or oth types of disputes
- things arch should consider in contractor selection assistance 10) history of work w/ subcontractors & vendors 11) history of ability to complete jobs on time & on budget 12) knowledge & experience w/ special const. methods, if req.'d 13) possession of special licensing or certification if req.'d by the project
COST CTRL IN DESIGN-BID-BUILD 1) in this project delivery method, the arch has limited ability to: 2) for most of DBB, the cost of const. is: 3) when does owner receive a firm price on project? 4) the arch doesn't & can't guarantee what about final const. cost? 1) adjust project costs 2) only an estimated from arch or cost-estimated consultant on arch's behalf 3) only w/ bidding or negotiation 4) it won't vary from the estimate b/c several variables can affect final bid price
1-6) the price a contractor is willing to submit to an owner is dependent on: 7) bidding is also affected by: 1) actual cost of subcontractor bids 2) cost of the contractor's own labor & mat. 3) cost of equipment rental 4) the contractor's indirect costs 5) overhead 6) profit 7) const. marketplace competition
1) if the local economy is depressed, how does this affect bidding? 2) when work is plentiful & the local economy is strong, how does this affect bidding? 3) how can the owner account for market cond.'s? 1) contractors, subcontractors, mat. suppliers may be willing to lower prices or reduce profit margins to get work & stay in business 2) contractors are more selective about jobs they choose to bid on & profit allowance to put in their bids 3) having a flexible sch to delay or accelerate design/ bidding to match favorable market cond.'s
1) what may a contractor do to cover unforeseen items if dwgs & spec's seem poorly prepared? 2) the quality of contract docs by the arch & owner can affect: 3) what can help give a contractor more confidence when choosing to submit a bid? 1) add extra money in the bid to cover unknowns for what may be implied or omitted in dwgs/ specs 2) the amt of bids they receive & keep bids lower b/c contractors feel confident in bidding w/ only those items shown 3) that BIM is used b/c w/ this you can run coord. checks & find problems before const.
1) what is an "alternate?" 2) what are examples of alternates? 1) a request in the bidding docs asking the contractor to supply a price for some type of variation from the base bid 2) change in mat.'s or quality of mat., deletion of component, addition of const. element - ex base bid can include carpet as floor covering, but an alt would be to sub it for wood flooring
1-2) what do alternates allow the owner to do? 3) why don't alternates significantly lower total project cost at bidding typ? 1) make decisions based on firm prices & not prelim estimates 2) have flexibility modifying cost of project once bids are in by varying quantity or quality 3) b/c they gen. rep. a small % of large cost items like structure, mech systems, cladding
1) when is an alternate called an "add alternate?" 2) when is an alt called a "deduct alternate?" 3) alt's shouldn't be used in place of (__) b/c they're more time consuming for arch & bidders 4) when bids are evaluated, selected alts should be considered in: 1) if it adds to the base bid amt 2) if it reduces the base bid amt 3) conscientious cost estimating & reasonable design for base bid amt 4) deciding the lowest overall bid, but not be manipulated to favor one bidder over another
1) what are "unit prices?" 2) units prices are a basis to determining: 3) where are unit prices listed? 4) ex - if full extent of paving is unknown at time of bidding, unit price can: 1) set costs for certain portions of work, based on an individual quantity 2) the cost of changes to the contract 3) on the bid form when req.'d 4) give a sq ft cost for asphalt, then unit costs of bidders can be compared
1) if unit prices are used when work is deleted from the contract then the amt of credit is: 2) what is an "allowance?" 1) typ less than the price for an additional quantity of the same item - spaces should be prov. in bid form to add/ deduct amts 2) a set amt of money estimated by the arch to cover a particular mat. or piece of equip. when the cost for that mat. or equip. cannot be determined precisely at the time of bid or negotiated proposal
1) what is the purpose of having an allowance for bidding? 2) where is an allowance/s stated? 3) what costs must the contractor add to the allowance? 4) if cost of allowance is more or less than original estimate, what happens? 1) prov. a way to allocate some amt of $ for an item in bid if exact quantity/ quality of item isn't known 2) appropriate section of the spec's so all bidders use the same amt in their bids 3) unloading, handling, installing the item & their overhead & profit 4) contract sum is adjusted accordingly by change order
1) when can value engineering/ analysis be used? 2) when is VE considered an additional service? 1) prior to bidding or even after, but best to use during design process 2) if owner hires a value analysis consultant (per AIA Doc B204) - see ch30
COST CTRL IN CONST. MGMT P.D. 1) when a project has a const. manager, the arch doesn't have responsibility for: 2) AIA Doc B133 req's the arch work w/ the CM to: 3) prior to the owner's acceptance of GMP or ctrl estimate, the arch prov.'s 1) estimating/ guaranteeing const. costs 2) meet the project budget & consider requests for substitutions 3) clarification in regard to dwgs/ spec's * arch also helps review GMP/ ctrl estimate after CM prov.'s to owner
COST CTRL IN DESIGN-BUILD P.D. 1) extent that arch is involved in cost ctrl during preconst. is based on: 2) if contracted, B143 may req. arch to prov. evaluation of: 1) the scope of services agreed to under the design-builder-arch agrmt, AIA Doc B143 - which could mean nothing if arch not contracted to prov. any type of estimating services 2) info supplied by design-builder, including cost of work for arch's portion
1) if project is bid, the B143 may req. arch to prov. 2) how may the design-builder be paid by the owner? 3) if design-builder contracts w/ arch, the arch's work should 1) assistance to the design-builder w/ bidding services - so sim to a DBB method 2) by stipulated sum, cost of work plus fee, cost of work plus fee w/ a guaranteed max price 3) align w/ design-builder's cost commitment to owner b/c they're working together thru design process
1-4) if estimated cost for arch's portion exceeds budget after const. docs are done, the design builder has 4 options: 1) give written approval of an increase in budget for arch's portion 2) authorize rebidding or renegotiation 3) terminate agrmt w/ arch 4) cooperate in revising project scope & quality to reduce cost for arch's portion - here the arch must modify docs they're responsible for w/out + compensation
COST CTRL IN INTEGRATED P.D. 1) under the integrated method, how can the arch adjust costs during preconst.? 2) adjustments here are gen. unnecessary b/c of: 3) if changes or substitutions need to be made to maintain the GMP then: 1) they have very little ability to do so 2) contractor has already prov. owner w/ a GMP after the owner's acceptance of "detailed design docs" (aka DD dwgs) 3) the arch incorporates these into the "implementation docs" (aka CD dwgs & spec's in traditional terms)
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