INTRO to Cranial Nerves


Cranial nerves and general functions
Mike Skrorpad
Flashcards by Mike Skrorpad, updated more than 1 year ago
Mike Skrorpad
Created by Mike Skrorpad about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name and describe Cranial nerve I I. Olfactory (smell)
Name and describe Cranial nerve II II. Optic (vision)
Name and describe Cranial nerve III III. Oculomotor (eye movement; parasympathetic, pupillary constriction)
Name and describe Cranial nerve IV IV. Trochlear (motor to one extra-ocular muscle)
Name and describe Cranial nerve V V. Trigeminal (most of head; ALL TEETH; motor to mastication muscles) Divisions: V1 Opthalmic V2 Maxillary V3 Mandibular
Name and describe Cranial nerve VI VI. Abducent (motor to extra-ocular muscle
Name and describe Cranial nerve VII VI. Abducent (motor to extra-ocular muscle)
Name and describe Cranial nerve VIII VII. Facial (motor to muscles of expression; anterior 2/3 of tongue, taste; parasympathetic, lacrimal gland, submand and sublingual salivary glands)
Name and describe Cranial nerve IX IX. Glossopharyngeal (motor to one muscle of pharynx; taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue; visceral sensory from carotid body and sinus; parasympathetic PAROTID)
Name and describe Cranial nerve X X. Vagus (motor to soft palate, pharynx)
Name and describe Cranial nerve XI XI. Accessory (motor to SCM and trapezius muscles)
Name and describe Cranial nerve XII XII. Hypoglossal (motor to all intrinsic and most extrinsic muscles of tongue)
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