Ice Breaker -2


Team Event
Raathai Parthiparajan
Flashcards by Raathai Parthiparajan, updated more than 1 year ago
Raathai Parthiparajan
Created by Raathai Parthiparajan about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was your dream job as a child? :)
What's something on your bucket list? :)
Do you believe in ghosts? :)
If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it? :)
If you could go to outer space for free, as a tourist, would you do it? :)
Do you ever think your parents gave you the wrong name? :)
What's your most irrational fear? :)
What's your cellphone wallpaper? :)
Would you rather listen to country or classical music? :)
What's one place you have no interest in traveling to? :)
What's one thing you're really bad at? 1
What's one thing you'll never do again? :)
If you could have any new skill instantly, what would you choose? :)
What breed of dog do you think you would be? :)
What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? :)
What's the last new thing you tried? :)
Would you like to be famous? What for? :)
What's the last song you listened to? :)
How long do you think you'd last in a zombie apocalypse? :)
What's your biggest guilty pleasure? :)
How do you feel about clowns? :)
What's the weirdest food combination you enjoy? :)
What's something you're kind of snobby about? :)
What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? :)
What's the best book or article you've read this year? :)
What's the strangest thing that's ever happened to you in a meeting? :)
What activity helps you relieve stress? :)
What is the most awkward thing that ever happened to you during an interview? :)
Have you ever met anyone famous? :)
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? :)
If you had to be a famous person's personal assistant, who would you choose? :)
What's the most embarrassing fashion trend you participated in? :)
What is one article of clothing that someone could wear that would make you walk out on a date with them? :)
What is your most used emoji? :)
If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song? :)
If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you? :)
What was your least favorite food as a child? Do you still hate it or do you love it now? :)
If you were left on a deserted island with either your worst enemy or no one, which would you choose? Why? :)
What is your favorite item you’ve bought this year? :)
Say you’re independently wealthy and don’t have to work, what would you do with your time? :)
If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why? :)
If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? :)
If you could commit any crime and get away with it what would you choose and why? :)
If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why? :)
If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be and why? :)
If you could rename yourself, what name would you pick? :)
If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach? :)
If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be? :)
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? :)
Would you rather lose all of your money or all of your pictures? :)
Would you rather explore outer space or the bottom of the ocean? :)
How old were you when you learned that Santa – gasp – doesn’t exist? :)
What season would you be? :)
What’s the most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done? :)
What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? :)
What career do you think you would hate the most? :)
What's the worst movie you've ever seen? :)
What slang word you are happiest went out of style? :)
How did you spend your first paycheck? :)
What's a New Year's Resolution you made but never kept? :)
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