Unit 02_Quiz on Indonesia 1


College Languages - Unit 2: Introductory Phase (Quiz & Quick Facts about Indonesia) Flashcards on Unit 02_Quiz on Indonesia 1, created by SLS Indonesian on 28/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Indonesia is Southeast Asia's _____ country. largest
Indonesia is a ___ made up of 13,600 islands. archipelago
What are the major islands of Indonesia? Sumatra, Java, Celevs, Borneo, and New Guinea
WHat have the volcanoes left on Indonesia's land? rich ash that is good for farming
Because Indonesia lies on the equator what is its climate like? tropical
Why have foreign companies built factories on the island of Java? because labor is inexpensive
What provides work for about half of Indonesia's people? agriculture
What does Indonesia have large reservs of? oil and natural gas
What do the mines of Indonesia dig up or yield? tin, silver, nickel, copper, bauxite, and gold
About how many poeple does Indonesia have? 206 million
Indonesia's population si the ___ largest population in the world, forth
Indonesia is one of the worlds most _____ _____ countries. densely populated
What is Indonesia's capital and largest city? Jakarta
Most of Indonesia's people belong to what ethnic group? Malay
What is the official language od Indonesia? Bahasa Indonesia
Indonesia has more followers of what than any other country? Islam
Who set up Indonesia's Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms? Indonesia's people's descendents
What did the kingdoms control? the trade that passed through the waterways between the Indian and Pacific Ocean
Who brought Islam to the nation? traders from Southwest Asia
Who controled Indonesia for a while? The Dutch
In 1949 what happened to Indonesia? They became independent
The People of East Timorwere once ruled by who? Portugal
Why do Indonesia's leaders find it hard to control Indonesia? because there are many politiical parties
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