digital media


Flashcards on digital media, created by 11.carroll on 25/09/2015.
Flashcards by 11.carroll, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 11.carroll about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Physical Topology The physical layout of devices on a network and how the cables and wires connect these devices.
Logical Topology How data is transmitted and received between devices on a network regardless of their physical connections.
Topology The way in which the devices (nodes) are connected.
Node A device that is connected to the network.
Example of nodes Computers, printers, hubs, switches and routers.
Physical Bus topology All nodes are connected to a single backbone. The backbone is a single wire that carries data packets to the nodes. Terminators must be installed at the two ends of the backbones.
Advantages of Bus Topologies Less cable required than in other topologies.
Disadvantages of Bus Topologies Unable to accommodate a large number of nodes - such as those required for LAN's A single break in the backbone disables the entire network
Physical Ring topology Each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a complete ring, which generally circulates data packets in one direction. Each node receives data from one node and transmits to the other.
Advantages of Ring Topologies There are dirty jokes that can be made about it...If you're feeling particularly inventive.
Disadvantages of Ring Topologies If one cable is broken the entire network is disabled To remove or add a node, the entire network must be stopped All nodes must be powered at all times if the network is to operate
Mesh topology These include more than one physical path between pairs of nodes. Routers are required for mesh topologies.
Advantage of Mesh Topologies ault tolerance, as packages are automatically routed around faults. Can be used in high-speed long distance connections
Disadvantages of Mesh Topologies Routers are required to direct each datapacket
Physical Star Topology All nodes connect to a central node via their own dedicated cable.The central node is the device that connects all outlying nodes such that they can transmit and receive packets to and from each other node.
Advantages of Star Topologies Each node had its own cable and can be connected and disconnected without affecting any other nodes New nodes can be easily added without first disabling the network The process of identifying faults is made more simple
Disadvantages of Star Topologies A lot of cabling is required If a fault occurs in the central node then all connected nodes are also disabled
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