Astrophysics Exam 1


Contains all definitions from the first 12 Chapters of the textbook and all lecture notes up to the first exam
Flashcards by adkpeter1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by adkpeter1 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Celestial Sphere A sphere centered on Earth's center that represents the universe
Horizon A local tangent plane that moves wight he observer
Zenith The point directly above the observer
Nadir The point directly below the observer
Latitude Varies from 0 to 90 North or South
Longitude Goes from 0 to 180 East or West
Horizon Coordinate System Uses altitude and azimuth, where the horizon circle is the equator extended to the celestial sphere and the prime meridian connects the zenith, nadir, and the point on the sphere due north of the observer
North/South celestial poles Projections of Earth's north and south poles onto the celestial sphere
Spherical Coordinates Uses celestial poles and the vernal equinox to define the prime meridian with the celestial equator
Celestial Equator Projection of the Earth's equator onto the celestial sphere
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